Unit 7 Cornell A “What were the key, anti-communist, U.S. foreign policies during the Cold War and describe the USA v. USSR rivalry”


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 7 Cornell A “What were the key, anti-communist, U.S. foreign policies during the Cold War and describe the USA v. USSR rivalry”

Definition Foreign Policy = a course of ACTION established to deal with a foreign issue confronting the USA : in this case, COLD WAR ACTIONS

I. Anti-Communist Foreign Policies 1945-1991 Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan

I. Anti-Communist Foreign Policies 1946 -- “Containment” Policy Limited War Massive Retaliation (nuc. war)

I. Anti-Communist Foreign Policies Purpose: “Containment” To stop the spread of communism at it’s current borders, without causing WWIII Diplomat George F. _________ convinces Truman to adapt this policy “Limited War” Small armed conflicts, non US-Soviet confrontation, No nuclear weapons. May be necessary to “contain” communism “massive retaliation” After USSR gets A-Bomb, Eisenhower will warn that US will strike back with all its nuc weapons, if Soviets attack

Unit 7 Cornell-A Interactive Notes Q&A’s See map pg. 605 1. Suppose the Hungarian people revolt against their communist government. Would the President send US troops into Hungary to help them fight against Soviet troops ? Why or Why not?

I. Anti-Communist Foreign Policies Results/consequences: * Containment policy GUIDES ALL US Presidents throughout the whole Cold War period * “limited wars” policy U.S. will fight small wars to contain communism (Korea, Vietnam) * “massive retaliation” policy is in effect throughout Cold War (MAD)

1947 Truman Doctrine Purpose: Provide economic and/or military aid to countries that are RESISTING communist take-overs First aid went to Greece & Turkey

Interactive Notes Q&A’s Containment Policy: 400 million dollars of aid went to Greece and Turkey, why doesn’t this policy violate “containment” ? (Hint: use map on pg. 605)

1947 Truman Doctrine Results/Consequences: Aid sent to Greece/Turkey succeeds in preserving these democratic countries BUT : “Controversy” follows: Issue = Should USA send aid to undemocratic dictators?

1947-50 Marshall Plan Purpose: 1. Re-build European economies 2. Re-open markets for US goods & trade 3. Help reduce the attractiveness of communism, by providing basic necessities

Interactive Notes Q&A’s See map on pg. 605 Suppose Italian communists run for office in Italy – If the communisists win the election, would this violate “containment” ? Why?

1947-50 Marshall Plan Results/Consequences: Did it work ? YES 1. European economies RE-BUILT 2. markets for US goods & trade RE-OPENED 3. Helped stop spread of communist influence in W. Europe US provided $13 billion worth in economic aid

1950 NSC-68 “National Security Council Report #68 to the President” Purpose: 1. Advises the President that Soviet military is a major threat 2. Advises the President to build-up US military to ‘deter” (discourage) Soviet aggression

1950 NSC-68 Results/consequences: “National Security Council Report #68 to the President” Results/consequences: 1. Leads to the US-USSR nuclear arms race – both sides build-up massive numbers of nuclear weapons 2. US defense budget will spike -- $40 billion in 1950. Trillions will eventually be spent, during Cold War

Interactive Notes Q&A’s Pg. 680 Read the section “Addressing Poverty Abroad” Describe and name the very successful program that President John F. Kennedy established that went to 60 different countries. Describe and name the less successful program that Kennedy offered between 1961-1969.

1961 Alliance for Progress Purpose: 1. Reduce poverty in Latin America, so that people are not attracted to communism -- $12 billion spent. 2. To encourage Latin American governments to reduce corruption, get rid of dictators and respect the rights of their citizens.

1961 Alliance for Progress Results/Consequences: 1. Some poverty was lessened 2. Many Latin American governments did NOT reduce corruption or get rid of dictators and respect the rights of their citizens.

Interactive Notes Compare and Contrast The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall plan.