6:28 Notes— The Cold War.


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Presentation transcript:

6:28 Notes— The Cold War

The United Nations The United Nations (1945)—international govt dedicated to maintaining world peace General Assembly—one vote for each member nation Security Council—may use military to enforce resolutions veto power belongs to 5 permanent members: US, France, Britain, USSR, China focus: human rights, war crimes, genocide, govt oppression, children (UNICEF)

The Cold War The Cold War (1945-1989)—hostilities between capitalist US and communist USSR for world domination fought by proxy: Vietnam (1964-1975) and Angola (1975-1991) iron curtain—split between western and eastern Europe

The Cold War Russia creates satellites, US focuses on policy of containment satellites—small states economically or politically dependent on larger, more powerful states containment—holding communism where it exists, stopping its spread

The Cold War Truman Doctrine (1947)—US promises to contain communism in Greece and Turkey Marshall Plan (1947)—US offered $13B to all European nations to develop after WWII Berlin Airlift (1949)—US and Britain drop 1M tons of food, medicine, fuel to city of Berlin after USSR blockades the city Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, aka COMECON (1949)—similar Russian plan to rebuild satellite states

The Cold War Cold War alliance systems North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO (1949)—allies of the USA Warsaw Pact (1955)—allies of Russia, the “communist bloc” Non-aligned Movement (1950s)—former colonies in Africa and Asia that refused to align Communist leader of Guatemala overthrown by CIA (1954)

Arms and Space Races Arms Race—USSR and USA compete to create deadliest/most weapons both sides develop hydrogen bomb (1952) intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) developed on both sides (1959) military industrial complex—close ties between private weapons makers and governments Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) balance of terror between USA and Russia would keep the peace

Arms and Space Races Space Race—USSR and USA compete for dominance of space Russians launch satellite Sputnik (1957) USA lands first man on the moon (1969)

Cold War Map Green book p. 763

The Cold War

Communism in Asia People’s Republic of China (1949)—est. when Mao Zedong and communists win civil war Great Leap Forward (1958)—peasant lands  communes, 20M dead Cultural Revolution (1966)—Mao’s Red Guards seize teachers, students, bureaucrats for reeducation camps Deng Xiaoping (1981) reforms communes, expectation for free speech/press Tiananmen Square (1989) govt kills hundreds of students in peaceful protest

Communism in Asia Korean War (1950-1953)—Korean peninsula divided in half at the 38th parallel; North communist, South allied with US Vietnam War (1964-1975)—US intervenes in N vs S civil war to stop communism, domino theory South Vietnamese ruler Ngo Dinh Diem overthrown in coup Thich Quang Duc (1963) sets himself on fire in protest

Communism in Asia Ho Chi Mihn—North Vietnamese communist ruler, nationalist Viet Cong—South Vietnamese guerillas who supported communism Tet Offensive (1968)—Communist gain control, US begins withdrawal

Central Europe Soviet Union satellite countries attempt independence with limited success (1950s- 60s) Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia Brezhnev Doctrine (1968)—USSR reserves power to intervene if one satellite threatened others

Western Europe European Union, the “EU” (1993)—opened free trade and migration between European countries Parliament can pass laws Euro (2002)—common EU currency

Western Europe Terrorism in Europe Northern Ireland gained independence from the UK in 1922; N Protestant, S Catholic Irish Republican Army, IRA—N Irish Catholics terrorism—use of violence to achieve political goals Ulster Defense Association—N Irish Protestants

Western Europe Basque Homeland and Freedom, ETA (1959)—wanted independence for the Basque region of Spain Killed successor of Francisco Franco 1968 college student revolts in Paris, Mexico City, Rome, Prague Kent State (1970)—Ohio National Guard killed four unarmed student protestors

The US and Cuba Bay of Pigs Crisis (1961)—Cuba’s communist dictator Fidel Castro accepts Russian aid, JFK supports Cuban exiles who planned an invasion of Cuba Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)—Russian leader Khrushchev sends nuclear missiles to Cuba after US places missiles in Turkey US blockade of Cuba

End of the Cold War Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963)—signed by 100+ world powers to outlaw testing of nuclear weapons Détente—time of relaxed tensions Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, aka SALT (1979)—US and Russia agree to freeze production on ICBMs