Mathematics at Martin Frobisher Infant School Fractions
National curriculum- End of year 2 expectations linked to fractions Expected The pupil can identify 1/3, ¼, ½, 2/4, ¾ and know that all parts must be equal parts of the whole. The pupil can recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables. The pupil can read the time on a clock to the nearest 15 minutes
National curriculum- End of year 2 expectations linked to division Working at greater depth The pupil can find and compare fractions of amounts: E.g. ¼ of £20 = £5 and ½ of £8 = £4 So ¼ of £20 is greater than a ½ of £8
Resources we use in school Numicon Base 10 Diennes apparatus Number track Number line Hundred square Brain only!
Building blocks in fractions Early fractions in year one Practical work, using the language “half”. Is this cup full, half full or empty? Finding halves of shapes by folding shapes, talking about how each part needs to be completely equal. Halves of objects in environment (e.g. half an apple).
Introducing ½ and ¼ Making sure children understand that one is the ‘whole’. Talking to the children about how ½ is splitting something into 2 equal pieces and looking at 1 of those pieces and ¼ is splitting something into 4 equal pieces and looking at one of the pieces. In year one, using the sharing methods that we talked about in division last week to find ½ and ¼ of numbers.
Year 2- 1/3, ¼, 2/4, ½ and ¾ Counting in fractions: 0, ¼, ½, ¾, 1, 1¼, 1½…. Shading shapes to find fractions.
Grouping – using the grouping on a number line method from last week to find fractions of shapes. Find ½ of 6 - 2 - 2 - 2 1 2 3 2 6 4
Grouping Find ¼ of 8 - 4 - 4 1 2 4 8
Recognising equivalent fractions ½ and 2/4
Fluency – Reasoning – Problem Solving Once children have understanding of the method and can fluently use, recognise and find fractions they can move on to reasoning and problem solving challenges. Maths is not just about the fluency.
Questions Any questions?
Opportunity to work with child Can you find half and a quarter of your shapes? What fraction of this shape is shaded? Can you find ¼ of 12? Find 1/3 of 9 Which is bigger… ½ of 4 or 2/4 of 4? Explain your reasons.