Student Fees and Financial Support
Student Fees & Financial Support Student fees and financial support can be broken down into three main areas: Tuition fees Living Cost Loans Living Cost Grants
Tuition Fees Nobody has to pay fees ‘up front’- fees are paid by a tuition loan Universities will be able to charge a maximum of £9,000 a year – Huddersfield will charge £8,250 in 2014 Graduates begin loan repayments once earning over £21,000 (rising with inflation) Interest on loans is charged at inflation plus 3% whilst studying. After graduation and once earning, rate of interest will be dependent upon earnings i.e. lower earners pay less interest. There may be different fees for different courses, so check what the fee is for your specific course at your chosen institutions Private providers are able to charge whatever fees they wish, but government support for tuition fee loans for students at private providers is given at a maximum of £6,000 per year. Part-time students receive support to a maximum of £6,750 at a public university, or £4,500 at a private one.
Living Cost Loans Living away from home: maximum of £5,5055 Living at parental home: maximum of £4,418 It will be paid back after graduation, once you are earning over £21,000, rising with inflation (along with your tuition fee loan) The amount you are entitled to is dependent on household income and how much non-repayable grant you are entitled to London – maximum of £7,675 Abroad – maximum of £6,535
Repayment You will repay once you have graduated and are earning £21,000 or over, starting in the April after graduation Repayment levels rise with your earnings – you pay back 9% of anything you earn over £21,000 Deducted automatically from your salary through the tax system If your income falls below £21,000, repayments will be suspended As an example, if you earn £25,000, you will repay your loan at the rate of just £1 per day You repay based on what you can afford, not on the total amount borrowed All outstanding repayments will be written off after 30 years
Repayment Salary Amount of salary from which 9% will be deducted Monthly repayment £25,000 £4,000 £30 £30,000 £9,000 £67 £35,000 £14,000 £105 £40,000 £19,000 £142 £45,000 £24,000 £180 £50,000 £29,000 £217 £55,000 £34,000 £255 £60,000 £39,000 £292 Repayments are deducted from gross income.
Graduate on £25k
Living Cost Grants Non repayable Dependent on household income Full grant is £3,387 for family incomes under £25,000 Family incomes up to £42,611 receive proportion of grant Remember that the amount of grant you receive will affect the amount of living cost loan you are entitled to
NHS related degree courses NHS courses are funded differently – you will not be required to pay tuition fees There are grants and bursaries available some of which are means- tested. Finance for grants and bursaries is applied for directly through the NHS. They will write to you once you have been offered a place. Finance for the non means-tested loan is applied for through the Student Loans Company See for detailed information
How does it all happen? You can apply from February 2013 through the Student Finance England website at You apply for second and third year support after Christmas in your first and second year If you are having a gap year, you should apply for your course at the same time as your peers, for finance, apply 12 months later
Budgeting It is likely that there will be a gap between the money you will receive in loans and grants and the money you need to live as a student It is very important to work out a budget before you start university Make sure you know how much money you have coming in, and how much you expect to have going out Identify where the extra money might come from if there is a gap - before you get into any financial difficulties
Additional support: part-time work Many students have a part-time job whilst they are at university Most universities encourage part time work, often having ‘Jobshops’ located on campus advertising part-time student work Part time work provides students with valuable experience as well as extra money (an average of £85 per 13 hour week*) It is important not to let your part time job interfere with your studies – working no more than 15 hours a week is recommended University of Huddersfield Careers Service *From The Complete University Guide 2011
Additional support: banks Interest free overdrafts Credit cards Look carefully at incentives offered For independent advice and guidance on student bank accounts and budgeting look at
Sources of student finance Loans, grants Sponsorship Scholarships Gap year or part time work Disabled Student Allowance Parents/ Carers
Tips for students Don’t blow all your cash at the beginning of term Work out income and outgoings Shop based on need, not impulse Don’t blow all your cash at the beginning of term Set up two bank accounts If sharing a house, decide who is paying for basics
Tips for Parents Discuss budgeting before they start University Cooking advice Look into adding their contents insurance to your policy Consider helping with their mobile phone Vouchers from loyalty points/supermarket cards Consider helping with books or food shopping Discuss what you are/are not willing to help out with
Further information Careers adviser/tutor at school/college Careers library University of choice/local university (lots of information about everything)
Final points to remember Students or parents do not pay tuition fees up front Keep to deadlines for application! Loans are not negatively credit scored If in doubt, ask!
Open Days 2014 Tuesday 24 June Wednesday 25 June Saturday 20 September Wednesday 29 October Thursday 30 October Friday 5 December 9.30am – 3.30pm