Organizational Behavior chapter 6 perception and individual decision making By : Osama Y. Barabea 201001384 Abdullah Al Bassam 200900136 Tariq Al Otaibi 200900332 Hussain Al Mawishir 200800716
The shortcuts individuals use in making judgment about others Selective perception. Halo effect. Contrast effect. Stereotyping.
The shortcuts individuals use in making judgment of attribution Define the problem. Identify the decision. Allocated weights to the criteria. Develop the alternative. Evaluate the alternative. Selected the best alternative.
Common decision biases or errors Overconfidence bias. Anchoring. Confirmation bias. Availability bias. Escalations commitment. Randomness error. Risk aversion. Hindsight bias.
The three component model of creativity The proposition that individual creativity requires expertise. Creativity thinking skills. Intrinsic task motivation.