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What does the GCSE course involve?
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DANCE GCSE Option’s Evening 2016
“Dance is vital, an activity both exhilarating and liberating to watch or do. The instinct to dance is fundamentally joyous and no matter how hard you try you can’t get away from that for long. It can also be a huge force for good, effectively drawing people together and levelling everyone through sheer hard work. It can speed up your heart rate, it can enliven your being, it can change your life”. - Richard Alston CBE, Dance UK
Why Study Dance?
What skills are developed?
What does the GCSE course involve? Component no. / title Weighting Content 1: Performance and Choreography 60% Performance: Solo performance: Duet / trio performance: Choreography: Choreography of a solo or group dance 2: Dance Appreciation 40% Written examination (1 hour 30 mins): Candidates will study a GCSE Dance Anthology of 8 prescribed works in different dance styles both practically and theoretically. Questions also refer to the candidate's own performance and/or choreography and hypothetical dance scenarios.
Why do I have to audition? Baseline assessment To support you – ensure that you have the skills to achieve well in this specific qualification
The audition process In the audition, students will be asked to: present a 60-90 second piece of your own choreography in the style of your choosing engage in some discussion based on your piece learn a section of taught choreography.
How to apply for a place on the course Register for an audition for GCSE Dance using the MIS Online Replies system. Choose one of two audition dates. Read the letter which was sent with the Online Reply to check what you need to bring with you and what you need to prepare. Audition dates: Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 January from 4-6pm (Upper Hall). Please note that the Online Reply will close on Friday 15 January.