Parent Information Evening Year 8 2016
Parent Information Evening Partnership / Independent Learning English Mathematics Assessment and Reporting Attendance RRSA The shape of Year 8
Student Parent School
Independent learning Essential to your child’s success. Contributes significantly to progress
English The English Curriculum In year 8, students will study both the reading and writing elements of English. The three key units which incorporate both reading and writing skills in line with those skills required for GCSE: ‘America’s Dreams’ which focuses on ‘Of Mice and Men’ and other American novels such as ‘The Great Gatsby’; ‘Childhood’ which focuses on a range of poetry including that of Sylvia Plath and William Blake; ‘Justice and Revenge’ which includes the study of Shakespeare’s ‘The Merchant of Venice’.
How you can support your child’s learning? Independent Learning – Show My Homework; Doddle; ‘Skills’ page of the English area on the ALNS website – help pages on a number of key skills in English (for example paragraphing) Students have also been provided with an E-library log in; We strongly encourage reading a wide range of texts at home, eg: ‘The Guardian’, ‘The Telegraph’ or watching ‘Newsround’.
How we assess in English: We assess students for both their reading and their writing skills. Each unit of study contains an opportunity for a formal assessment in reading and writing as well as some ‘spoken language’, which would take the form of a presentation. These assessments are undertaken in exam conditions and in the students’ purple books. Feedback is provided by the teacher and students will transfer this into their yellow books. English teachers will also mark work in students’ yellow books when it addresses the key skills being covered in the unit and students will then have feedback before they approach their formal assessments.
Accelerated Reader Accuracy 20 minutes a day Tests comprehension
Mathematics Maths GCSE has 3 papers – one non- calculator and two calculator Total exam length time 4 ½ hours. Can enter at higher or foundation tier.
Assessment Knowing Maths These are basic straightforward maths questions. These test the student’s maths knowledge of each topic. Using Maths For these questions students need to select which maths to use to solve a real life problem Applying Maths The students need to decide how to answer these questions and explain why. It is the using and applying type questions that students are finding the most difficult and these are the areas in which parents can help the most.
Real Life Questions that have come up recently Buying goods, calculating change Finding the cost of 8 cakes if you know the cost of 5. Filling the missing amounts in a bank statement or invoice Changing money into different currencies Reading an electricity meter and calculating the bill Finding areas involving gardens, wallpaper, carpet, paint Planning a visit to Grandma given a bus timetable Calculating best buys Working out postage & packing charges for online goods
MATHSWATCH After each exam we analyse how our students perform and provide them with an analysis sheet. We have found that one of the most effective ways of improving is for students to use the Mathswatch website to revise topics that they are red or amber on. We have subscribed to this and so it is free for our students, all they need is their username and login. FirstnameLastnameYear – MartinFuller11 Password alns There are also worksheets that the students can print out using their school printing budget.
Calculators For the calculator papers students need a scientific calculator. Every brand of calculator works differently so it is essential students are using a calculator they are familiar with in the exam. In school we use CASIO calculators and would recommend them as they are very clear to use.
Ongoing Formative Summative GCSE’s Assessment
Targets Expected Challenge
New GCSE’s New grades 1 to 9 instead of G to A* New GCSEs that are ‘bigger’ and require more content Mostly 100% exam all at the end of Year 11
Attitude to Learning
Personal Development UNCRC Personal Development Curriculum Personal Development Days
90% Attendance Equates to: 4 weeks a year missed Over 5 Years that’s half a year missed One grade lower in each GCSE
PARENTPAY Parent Pay is the preferred method of payment for items such as school meals, trips etc. Login and password already issued with the vast majority of parents already making use of this facility More information about Parent Pay on the school website.
Key Dates Thursday 24th November – Awards Evening Thursday 15th December – Performance Evening Thursday 16th - Saturday 18th February – Ypres Trip Wednesday 1st March – Mentoring Day Thursday 16th March – Year 8 Parents Evening – Part 1 Monday 8th May – Year 8 exams begin (two weeks) Thursday 15th June – Year 8 Parents evening – Part 2. Sunday 3rd July – Saturday 8th July - Camp Thursday 20th July – Performance Evening
Thank you for coming this evening
Homework Reading Attendance You Habits Homework Reading Attendance You