5 key things to prepare for the new A Levels Jo Sibley
You need a pen and paper… …questions at the end!
Start the clock… …questions at the end!
1. A pathway for every student Year 12 Retake GCSE Core Maths AS Maths AS Maths (study) AS FM (first half) AS FM A level Maths MAT AS FM (second half) A level FM A level Further Maths Year 13 STEP OR
2. Choose your specifications Your department is unique! Pick what works for you. It is much easier to use two different specifications now. Things to look at: Optionality in FM Large data set and sample questions on it Resources for problem solving and integrating technology Sample assessment materials Support and professional development (including cost).
3. Technology Make a plan for how you will integrate technology into the study of maths across your department (not just the keen guy) Think about how you will ensure that your students have exam-legal calculators and can use them effectively.
4a. Staff development Make a three-year plan Do you need an expert to champion A level and lead the way? Or a secure, broad base of subject knowledge? Consider training a KS5 Coordinator What kind of development works best for you and your team…?
4b. Staff development What kind of development works best for you and your team? One-day courses Extended courses Live online professional development Asynchronous professional development Teacher networks In-department development?
5. Schemes of work Think about staffing Think about Core Maths Think about AS Further Maths in parallel Think about pre-requisites Three resources: Editable generic MEI scheme of work for A level Maths FMSP schemes of work for Further Maths FMSP course planner
Stop the clock! Questions please!
The Further Mathematics Support Programme Our aim is to increase the uptake of AS and A level Further Mathematics to ensure that more students reach their potential in mathematics. The FMSP works closely with school/college maths departments to provide professional development opportunities for teachers and maths promotion events for students. To find out more please visit www.furthermaths.org.uk