Reading At Home Grades 3-6 Presented By: Stephanie Byrne and Karen Wallace
Karen- Try to think back to when your kids were 2, 3 or 4 years old…This was exactly what happened when you read to them, right? We know it is quite different now, so we thought we would spend some time tonight discussing how that may look now…
Why Can’t I Skip My 20 Minutes of Reading Tonight? By the end of 6th grade Student “A” will have read the equivalent of 60 whole school days. Student “B” will have read 12 school days. Student “C” will have read only 1/3 of a school day. Which student would you expect to have a better vocabulary? Which student would you expect to be more successful in school… and in life? Steph Busy families- easy to skip reading at night Power visual that reflects the payoff of daily reading (Nagy and Herman, 1987)
Looks Like…Sounds Like… Something they can and want to read 10-20 minutes sustained time Dictionary nearby just in case Each new book varies just a bit- either by number of pages, genre, etc… Magazines, books, newspapers, reference books May include some form of writing Ownership Only ask questions when confused Want to tell their favorite part Quiet Karen- discuss each point
Online Resources Titus Library Homepage Library Catalog Catalog Destiny Discover Steph Lightbox- 19 NF titles, text and videos, interactive, quizzes available, audio option eBooks- currently 47 titles, audio option
District Curriculum LEAD 21 A comprehensive core literacy program for our 3rd,4th and 5th graders which allows: Students to read on their level Reading of a variety of genres Reading of both fiction and nonfiction Analysis, Evaluation, and Collaboration Whole group and small group instruction Shared Text Opportunities for students in grades 4, 5 and 6 to engage in texts that are authentic and reach across many genres depending on the grade level. Shared Reading: Promotes reading as a pleasurable activity Provides a model for fluent reading Allows students to share ideas Exposes students to various genres Presents vocabulary in the context of text Allows for multiple close reading of text Karen
Shout Out to our Public Libraries Warminster Public Library Doylestown Public Library Steph Library card is free, much cheaper than making trip to Barnes and Noble SOOOOO many resources: books, audio books, movies, video games, magazines, wifi, die-cut machine, board games, exercise bags, even cake pans * can renew online, request from other branches/hold online * variety on electronic resources
E-Library Axis 360: Fiction and Non-Fiction e-books and audio downloads for children and adults Overdrive: Fiction and non-fiction eBooks and audios for children, teens, and adults Novelist: Search tool for finding new and recommended books for adults, teens, and children Steph Free eBook borrowing with library card eBooks available in a variety of formats Option to search for titles by interest, age range, mood/tone, genre Lists availability of title
Next on Deck Provided options to encourage and support at home reading Goal is to maintain interest and enthusiasm With resources, children should always have book options Contact homeroom teacher, librarian, reading specialists Cathy Moore: Stephanie Byrne: Karen Wallace: Thank for coming Review Goals of presentation