Renaissance & Reformation Unit 8
What events helped bring an end to feudalism and the Middle Ages?
What effect did reopening the Silk Roads have on Europe?
What is Humanism?
I am one of the earliest humanist leaders who preserved Greek and Roman texts.
We are the powerful patron family from Florence.
Where did the Renaissance begin and why?
In what way did Renaissance works differ from those of earlier periods?
I was a great sculptor but my most famous work is the painting of the Sistine Ceiling.
I grew up in Urbino and later painted my masterpiece showing the great achievements of Greece and Rome in the School of Athens.
Some of my famous works are the Mona Lisa and Last Supper Some of my famous works are the Mona Lisa and Last Supper. I was a true Renaissance Man.
I created the first bronze since classical time.
I was a famous architect known for the dome of the Duomo in Florence.
I was the first to write a major work in my native language (not Latin). Who am I and what poem was it?
I wrote satire about knighthood in my native Spanish I wrote satire about knighthood in my native Spanish. Who am I and what is the title of the story?
I wrote about how one should rule and said it is better to be feared than loved. Who am I? What was the title of my book? And what phrase is associated with me?
I was an Italian trader who wrote about my travels in Asia in ‘Il Millione’
What factors helped the Renaissance spread north?
I was a Flemish painter known for my many paintings of peasant life.
I am German and known for my detailed woodcuts and confrontational paintings.
I was known as the patron Monarch of France.
I am the most famous English author, having writ many plays and sonnets.
How did the Northern and Italian Renaissance differ?
I was German and my invention changed the world. Who am I I was German and my invention changed the world. Who am I? What was the invention? and the first item made from this invention?
What Renaissance advances occurred outside the arts?
Name the second Tudor King and his three children in order of reign.
The Catholic Church had two papacies – one in Rome and the other here, in France.
The split within the Church because of the different popes at the same time is known as this.
What Pope spent all of the Vatican’s money and began to sell pieces of paper to raise money?
What were the pieces of paper called that acted like ‘tickets to heaven’
Who was the man selling these pieces of paper around Wittenberg Who was the man selling these pieces of paper around Wittenberg? “As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs”
Who wrote many theses questioning what the church and papacy was doing Who wrote many theses questioning what the church and papacy was doing? How many were there?
I was an English philosopher and priest who called for church reform?
I was a Dutch priest and scholar who criticized both the Church and reformers.
Princes who supported Luther were known as this.
What declared Luther an outlaw?
What prince helped protect Luther in his castle in Wartburg? Frederik III
Complaints for better wages and living conditions led to this .
Who ruled the Holy Roman Empire, Austria, Spain and the Spanish Americas?
I was a French reformer who moved to Geneva.
Members of the Society of Jesus were known as this.
The founder of the Society of Jesus was I. Who am I?
What are the three main branches of Protestantism and their founders?
The Catholic response to the Reformation is known as this.
The meeting of high level church officials from 1545-1563 is known as this.
I created an English translation of the Bible was captured and killed.
What court was established to investigate people who ‘wandered away from the Catholic Church’ known as?
What new style of architecture is a result of the Catholic response to the Reformation?
A person who goes to foreign countries to spread religion is this.
If people were convinced and changed their religion they were known as this.
Besides the Society of Jesus, what other two major groups spread Catholicism in the Americas.
What was the treaty known as that recognized the division of Western Europe into Catholic and Protestant nations?
Which missionaries were more effective - Catholic or Protestant? Why?
What company sent out Protestant missionaries to Asia in the 1600s?
What was the first constitution of the Americas written by Europeans?
What new political idea came about as a result of Protestantism?
‘A’ Questions
What was the social effect of the printing press?
What was the political effect of the Reformation in Europe?
What was the economic effect of the Reformation?
What was the religious effect of the Reformation?
Give examples and results of the effect of missionaries in Japan, Brazil, Mexico, and New England.