Source Questions This is a key area for us to work through between now and the exam There are only 2 main questions which come up in Paper 1 (and they are the same as in Paper 2): What’s the cartoonists message? Why was this source published?
What is the cartoonist’s message? Question 1 What is the cartoonist’s message?
What is the cartoonist’s message? How to answer: About 10 lines. The cartoonist’s message is… The context is… The source shows… 2/3 sentences. Cartoonist positive or negative? What about? Gist? Include 3 bits of subject knowledge (dates / names / facts and figures) Pick out 3 crucial bits.
Why was this source published in ____? How to answer: About 10 lines. The purpose is… The date is significant because… The message is… Three points from the key word bank. “Show, Highlight, Inform, Persuade, Satirise, Entertain, Support, Oppose, Buy, Sell” Include 3 bits of EXPLAINED subject knowledge (dates/names /facts and figures) A small, concise sentence.
Options The next set of slides contain a number of source questions on each of the 7 topics in Paper 1. Would you rather: Go through as a class? Have a go on your own? Work as a group and feedback? Key Information: Message Purpose ‘The cartoonist’s message is…’ Positive or negative? 3 pieces of knowledge Use at least 2 of the purpose terms Inform / persuade / support etc…
Topic 1 : Cold War Background Questions When did it start? What was it? Who was it between? What happened at the Conferences? What did the USSR do in East Europe? What was the Marshall Plan? What was the Truman Doctrine? What was Cominform? What was Comecon?
Topic 2 : Cuban Missile Crisis Background Questions When did it begin? What was the USA’s relationship like with Cuba? What happened at the Bay of Pigs? Why did Khrushchev put missiles into Cuba? How did the USA win? How did the USSR win? How did Cuba win?
Topic 3 : Vietnam Background Questions What was the History with the French? Why did the Americas get involved? What were the US Tactics? What were the VC tactics? What was the cost? What happened at home? What was the main reason they withdrew?
Topic 4 : The Boom Background Questions Who didn’t benefit, and why? Who did benefit, and why? What were Republican policies? What was Hire Purchase? What were the new industries? What else caused the boom?
Topic 5 : The Roaring ‘20s Background Questions What changed: movies / sport / radio? Why was prohibition introduced? Was it a success or failure? What was a flapper? Who didn’t become a flapper? What happened around: Immigration Red Scare Scopes Trial Was America tolerant?
Topic 6 : Wall Street Crash Background Questions What caused it? What were the consequences? Why did FDR win the election? Why did Hoover lose it?
Topic 7 : New Deal Background Questions What happened in the first 100 days? Give 3 examples of Alphabet Agencies. Who opposed the New Deal, and why? Was the New Deal a success? Was it a failure?