Ocean Environments 4.1 Ocean coasts support plant and animal life. 4.2 CHAPTER NEW CHAPTER Ocean Environments the BIG idea The ocean supports life and contains natural resources. 4.1 Ocean coasts support plant and animal life. 4.2 Conditions differ away from shore. 4.3 The ocean contains natural resources. CHAPTER OUTLINE
4.1 Ocean coasts support plant and animal life. Organisms in the intertidal zone are covered by water during high tide and exposed to the air during low tide. habitat intertidal zone intertidal zone estuary wetland SECTION OUTLINE
4.1 high tide mark low tide mark Ocean coasts support plant and animal life. Organisms in the intertidal zone are covered by water during high tide and exposed to the air during low tide. habitat intertidal zone high tide mark estuary wetland low tide mark • Fresh water and salt water mix in estuaries. SECTION OUTLINE • Salt marshes and mangrove forests form along coasts.
4.1 habitat Ocean coasts support plant and animal life. intertidal zone The natural environment in which a living thing gets all that it needs to live; examples include a desert, a coral reef, and a freshwater lake. estuary wetland KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.1 intertidal zone Ocean coasts support plant and animal life. habitat intertidal zone intertidal zone The narrow ocean margin between the high- tide mark and the low-tide mark. estuary wetland KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.1 estuary Ocean coasts support plant and animal life. habitat estuary intertidal zone A shoreline area where fresh water from a river mixes with salt water from the ocean. estuary wetland KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.1 wetland Ocean coasts support plant and animal life. habitat wetland intertidal zone A wet, swampy area that is often flooded with water. estuary wetland KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Conditions differ away from shore. 4.2 Conditions differ away from shore. coral reef kelp forest near shore environment open ocean phytoplankton hydrothermal vent SECTION OUTLINE
Conditions differ away from shore. 4.2 Conditions differ away from shore. Life in the open ocean is more spread out. The surface zone is lit by the Sun. The deep zone is dark. The waters near shore support more life than any other part of the ocean. coral reef kelp forest phytoplankton hydrothermal vent SECTION OUTLINE
4.2 coral reef Conditions differ away from shore. kelp forest A built-up limestone deposit formed by small ant-sized organisms called corals. phytoplankton hydrothermal vent KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.2 kelp forest Conditions differ away from shore. coral reef kelp forest kelp forest A large community of kelp, a type of seaweed that can attach to the ocean floor. phytoplankton hydrothermal vent KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.2 phytoplankton Conditions differ away from shore. coral reef phytoplankton kelp forest Microscopic floating organisms that live in water and, like plants, convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into food. phytoplankton hydrothermal vent KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.2 hydrothermal vent Conditions differ away from shore. coral reef hydrothermal vent kelp forest An opening in the sea floor from which heated water rises and mixes with the ocean water above. phytoplankton hydrothermal vent KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
The ocean contains natural resources. 4.3 The ocean contains natural resources. Living ocean resources include seafood and algae. Overfishing and pollution threaten ocean environments. overfishing by-catch SECTION OUTLINE
The ocean contains natural resources. 4.3 The ocean contains natural resources. Nonliving ocean resources include oil, natural gas, and minerals. overfishing by-catch SECTION OUTLINE
4.3 overfishing The ocean contains natural resources. by-catch The catching of fish at a faster rate than they can reproduce. KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.3 by-catch The ocean contains natural resources. overfishing by-catch by-catch The portion of animals that are caught in a net and then thrown away as unwanted. KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.1 Ocean coasts support plant and animal life. I. Ocean coasts support plant and animal life. habitat A. Ocean waters contain many environments. intertidal zone B. The shoreline supports many plants and animals. estuary wetland C. Fresh water and salt water meet on coasts. 1. Salt Marshes 2. Mangrove Forests D. Human activity affects shorelines. KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Conditions differ away from shore. 4.2 Conditions differ away from shore. II. Conditions differ away from shore. coral reef A. Ocean environments change with depth and distance from shore. kelp forest phytoplankton B. The waters near shore support diverse life forms. hydrothermal vent 1. Coral Reefs 2. Kelp Forests C. Environments in the open ocean change with depth. 1. Surface Zone 2. Deep Zone D. New discoveries about ocean life continue. KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
The ocean contains natural resources. 4.3 The ocean contains natural resources. III. The ocean contains natural resources. overfishing A. The ocean supports living resources. by-catch 1. Seafood and Algae 2. Overfishing and By-Catch 3. Saltwater Aquaculture B. The ocean contains nonliving resources. 1. Energy Resources 2. Minerals and Rocks C. Pollution affects the ocean. 1. Preventing Ocean Pollution 2. Global Pollution Problems KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY