Stages (degrees) in Estonian universities by Bologna process (since 2002/2003 academic year) First stage (bachelor-level degree) – 3 years (180 ECTS) Second degree (master-level degree) – 2 years (120 ECTS) Doctorate – 4 years (240 ECTS)
Estonian universities award the following bachelor-level degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Education (BA) Bachelor of Arts in Humanities (BA) Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences (BA) Bachelor of Science in Natural Sciences (BSc) Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSc) Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSc) Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences (BSc)
Estonian universities award the following master-level degrees: Master of Arts in Education (MA) Master of Arts in Arts (MA) Master of Arts in Humanities (MA) Master of Arts in Social Sciences (MA) Master in Business Administration (MBA) Master of Science in Natural Sciences (MSc) Master of Science in Engineering (MSc) Master of Science in Agriculture (MSc) Master of Science in Health Sciences (MSc) Master of Arts in Theology (MA) Master of Arts in Law (MA)
Estonian universities award the following doctoral-level degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (including PhD in Exercise and Sport Sciences)
Библиотека Тартуского университета
Faculty of Exercise and Sport Sciences (since 1928)
Спортивный манеж
Chemicum (Ravila 14A, since 2009) Laboratory of Functional morphology Laboratory of Neuromuscular Physiotherapy Laboratory of Kinanthropometry and Coaching Science Laboratory of Sport Psychology
Functional Morphology
Sport Psychology
Kinanthropometry and Coaching Science
Laboratory of Exercise Physiology 5 Jakobi Street Laboratory of Exercise Physiology
University of Tartu Sport Centre (Ujula 4) (Since 1980) Laboratory of Kinesiology and Biomechanics
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