Classroom Procedures Ms. Proepper Grade 3
Procedures Procedures are the things we do during the day and how we always do them. Everything that we do has a specific way to do it properly. You will find procedures everywhere. They are in the classroom, in the halls, in the lunchroom, and recess. Procedures take practice and review. We will take time to study and practice all procedures.
Good Morning! The classroom opens at 7:55 Remember you can go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. If you do not eat breakfast you may go to the library or the gym. Listen for the first bell and boogie back to the room. Ms. Proepper
Good Morning! Entering the Classroom Always walk and enter quietly. Get breakfast on your way to the classroom. Put all of your things (backpack, jacket) into the coat room. Take out your Traveling Folder and put ALL the papers you need for the teacher to look at in the basket. Collect a Daily Language sheet and do the very best work you can. We will go over all answers after announcements. Be sure you are in your seat, ready to work when the bell rings
End of the Day Getting ready Clean your desk. Be sure that there are no papers on the floor, all complete papers have been turned in and unfinished work is either in your Traveling Folder or in your Desk Folder. You will be dismissed by row or number. Take all papers in your mailbox and put into your Traveling Folder. Go to the coatroom and collect your things. Then come back to your seat and wait for final dismissal. At the end of every day we will review our day and write in our Class Journal. This is also a time for you to complete your Assignment Sheet and set up your Traveling Folder. 5
End of the Day Dismissal Bus Riders & Kids Time - 2:45 Walkers - 2:35 Pick-ups - 2:50 (after the busses) How do you get home? Bus Car Walk/Bike 6
School Assemblies BEFORE DURING AFTER We will walk to the assembly following our hallway procedures. Be sure we stick together! When entering the assembly, pay attention to the teacher and your classmates. We will get seated as soon as possible. DURING Once seated, feel free to look around, but keep your voice quiet and pay attention to when the assembly is going to begin. Quiet down right away and be respectful to those running the assembly. Show respect by looking at the presenter and not the friends that are near you. AFTER At the end of the assembly, stay seated on the floor. There is no need to stand up. We may be one of the last classes to leave, so be patient and talk with your friends about what you just saw. 7
Heading your papers At the top of your paper always write - Name Heading your papers At the top of your paper always write - Name Number Fact of the Day Example: Ms. Proepper 34 9+9=18
Traveling Folder, Desk Folder & Mailboxes Traveling Folder – Your Traveling Folder is used to bring papers back and forth to school. At the end of the day you will put all the papers you worked on during the day, your Assignment Sheet, and other papers from your Mailbox into your folder. While at home share with your loved ones. Bring notes from home and completed homework back in it. Mailbox – When work that you have turned in to the teacher has been corrected it will be put into your mailbox. This is also where you will find notes from the office and other school communication. You may take papers out of your mailbox at the end of the day. Desk Folder – This is for “in-progress” papers only! You may use this drawer to keep track of your daily language/math sheets, assignments you are still working on, and art work you are still completing. The folder should stay neat. 9
Hallway Procedures Wait at your desk to be dismissed to line up. We make one line with the line leader at the beginning and door holder second. We always keep our voices to a whisper to respect other student’s learning We keep our hands to ourselves because the hallway is a busy place. We always face forward in line so we know when the line starts moving. We stay close together and keep the line from stretching out too long. Our class always sticks together. We will stop for drinks and bathroom breaks at other times. Make sure you and your classmates stay in line
How to Listen- “Give me 5” 1. Eyes on speaker 2. Quiet 3. Be still 4. Hands free -(put things down) 5. Listen
Voice Levels 12
Which Voice? Playground Lunchroom SSR Daily 5/Centers Activity Show with your fingers which voice level wold be appropriate for each activity or location. Playground Lunchroom SSR Daily 5/Centers Hallway in the Morning
Automatic quiet when Adult Raises Hand Bell rings Quiet signal is given Announcements Emergency alert Fire alarm Tornado alarm Lock down announced
Washroom Be sure you bring the pass! A washroom is a place to take care of business. Make sure you are taking care of business. Come back to the classroom as soon as possible. Respect the privacy of other student and always use polite manners and say kind words to each other. Always wash your hands when you are done. 15
Our Classroom Rules Listen Carefully Follow Directions Work quietly. Do not disturb others who are working. Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions. Respect school and personal property. Work and play safely.
Behavior Slips Warning 1 Warning 2 STOP 17
Raise your hand to : Answer a question Ask a question To indicate you need help or assistance To ask permission to go to the restroom, nurse, office, etc- To ask permission to sharpen your pencil or get other supplies
Before Lunch/Recess 15 minutes before lunch Lunch Time! When dismissed go the washroom and then wash your hands! Be sure you are following washroom procedure. When you return from the washroom quietly go back to what you were working on before you left the classroom. Lunch Time! When dismissed grab your cold lunch (if you are having cold lunch). Line up at the door. On the way to the lunchroom always follow Hallway Procedure! 19
During Lunch/Recess Always follow the directions of the adults! Always remember that you are setting an example and making a reputation. Make sure you are acting outstanding and your image is positive! Enjoy your friends and keep your actions kind. Run, play, and get good exercise! 20
After Lunch/Recess Remember hallway procedures! Be listening for the whistle to line up at the end of recess. You are excited after recess! Be sure to bring your voices to quiet talking (level 2) when you enter the school. Come into the room and do not use your voice. This is a quiet time to unwind. Put your outside clothes and toys back into the coatroom. When we wear boots they will be left in the hallway. Pick up your lunch bag and put it back in your backpack. There may be seat work if not, you may read something or finish any unfinished. We will have a bathroom break at this point so please do not stop on the way back to the classroom. Remember hallway procedures! 21
At Home Nobody’s job ends once we are dismissed from school. You Your teacher Correct papers Prepare lesson for the next day Arrange the classroom Attend meetings with colleagues You Complete your homework. Give your family any papers that have been sent home. Tell them what you learned at school (you learn every day!) Read!!!! 22
Assignment Sheet Your Assignment Sheet for the week will always stay in your Traveling Folder! You must fill out your Assignment Sheet at the end of every day of school. Over the weekend complete your homework and have your parents sign your sheet and return it on Monday.
Odds and Ends Your BEST work is always the most appreciated. Mind Your Own Business If you finish your work early- work on another subject or read When someone knocks or we have a visitor- KEEP WORKING Have Fun Learning When there is a substitute teacher- ALL rules and procedures are to be followed
Signatures Please sign to the next slide to indicate that you have read and understand Ms. Proepper’s classroom policies and procedures. *Both a parent/guardian and a student signature is required.
Signatures __________________________ Student signature Parent/Guardian Signature