The Colonial Period (1620-1750)
The Colonial Period (Historical Context) When colonists arrived in the new land, they created villages and towns and established new governments (while protesting the old ways in Europe) The Mayflower (1620) Did not consider themselves “Americans” until mid-1700s Enormous displacement of Native-Americans Literature of the period was dominated by the Puritans and their religious influence Puritan work ethic—belief in hard work and simple, no frills living Theocracy—government ruled by Bible/church
The Colonial Period (characteristics) Types of Writing Representative Authors Sermons and Diaries William Bradford (journals) Anne Bradstreet (poetry) Jonathan Edwards (sermons) Mary Rowlandson (captivity narrative) Writing Style *Puritan Plain Style (simple and direct) Utilitarian (not professional) Instructive Though not written during Puritan times, The Crucible by Arthur Miller & The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne depict life during the time when Puritan theocracy prevailed.
Colonial Period (1620-1750)
Want to dig deeper? Check out these additional resources! Historical Context Crash Course US History Video: When is Thanksgiving? Colonizing America Crash Course US History Video: The Natives and the English Crash Course US History Video: The Quakers, the Dutch, and the ladies Crash Course US History Video: The Seven Years War and the Great Awakening