Considering a Library District? Ronan City Library January 19, 2011 4/11/2018 Montana State Library Training
Montana Library Governing Structures City or County Interlocal or Multijurisdictional District What are the advantages of forming a library district? Tracy explain the difference between interlocal and multijuridictional 4/11/2018 Montana State Library Training
Montana State Library Training Advantages - funding Stable, predictable funding Library planning process can be more consistent Don’t have to compete with other city/county agencies for funding Unspent dollars can be retained for future years – no “use it or lose it” It has been demonstrated (in other states) that district libraries are better funded. 4/11/2018 Montana State Library Training
Montana State Library Training Other Advantages Improved services to patrons through Autonomy, independence in decision making, greater organizational focus on library services Elimination of unserved populations Direct accountability to tax-payers and community Increased community ownership Experience of other library districts 4/11/2018 Montana State Library Training
Important Considerations New costs and duties for the library – elections, administrative, insurance, legal, facilities Elections must be held for Mill levy Trustees The transition year is difficult and requires strong commitments from staff, board and volunteers How much money will you need? 4/11/2018 Montana State Library Training
Where to Start - Assessment Define current status of library and do inventory Form a working group Assess community attitudes to library services Create a vision Make preliminary districting decisions Estimate costs Present idea to community Identify supporters and opponents Have conversations about library services Know the library history of the community Gather all relevant documents Define your library status Choose tentative boundaries for your district Develop cost range – operational and capital costs Develop community partnerships Keep a good working relationship with your city/county clerks 4/11/2018 Montana State Library Training
Decision Is a library district the right solution? Are there alternatives? 4/11/2018 Montana State Library Training
Moving Forward - Planning Recruit new group members for districting project Update the library’s long range plan Develop timeline and implementation plan to achieve your new district Campaign, education, publications Assess your chances of a successful outcome and remember that you’ll stay positive regardless of outcome. 4/11/2018 Montana State Library Training
Montana State Library Training 4/11/2018 Montana State Library Training
Montana State Library Training Other Planning Tasks Create plans for Library services Administrative structure Personnel Facilities Public relations for the districting effort Coordinate government participation Determine Costs and Levy 4/11/2018 Montana State Library Training
Final Districting Decisions Establishment & Elections Draft resolution or petition Set election date & create election calendar Plan public relations Circulate petitions Public Hearing Conduct the election 4/11/2018 Montana State Library Training
Outcomes and Alternatives Analyze Election Campaign and Results Re-examine alternatives Celebrate success! Monitor activities of local officials Carry out your long range plan Publicize the changes Stay positive whatever the outcome Remember that this process will help you improve services whatever the outcome 4/11/2018 Montana State Library Training
Montana State Library Training Resources Montana Public Library District Handbook: Montana Public Library Statistics: North Lake County Public Library District Project: 4/11/2018 Montana State Library Training
Montana State Library Training More Resources Montana Legislative Snapshot: American Factfinder: Montana Geographic Information Clearinghouse: 4/11/2018 Montana State Library Training