Multiple Intelligences
The Eight Multiple Intelligences Verbal/Linguistic Logical/Mathematical Visual/Spatial Body/Kinesthetic/Tactile Musical/Rhythmic Naturalist Intrapersonal Interpersonal
Verbal-Linguistic—The ability to use words and language Logical-Mathematical—The capacity for inductive and deductive thinking and reasoning, as well as the use of numbers and the recognition of abstract patterns Visual-Spatial—The ability to visualize objects and spatial dimensions and create internal images and pictures
Body-Kinesthetic—The wisdom of the body and the ability to control physical motion Musical-Rhythmic—The ability to recognize tonal patterns and sounds, as well as a sensitivity to rhythms and beats Naturalist Intelligence—Excellent at recognizing and classifying both the animal and plant kingdoms, as well as showing understanding of natural phenomena
Interpersonal—The capacity for person-to-person communications and relationships Intrapersonal—The spiritual, inner states of being, self-reflection, and awareness
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence Lawyer - legal assistant - comedian - editor - historian Interpreter - journalist - lawyer - librarian Manager - novelist - orator - philosopher Playwright - poet - politician - proof reader Psychotherapist - public speaker Public relations person - reporter - sales people Secretary - social scientist - story teller Supervisor - talk show host - teacher
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Logical/Mathematical Intelligence Accountant - bookkeeper - analyst - banker Investment broker - lawyer/para-legal - logician Biologist - chemist - microbiologist - pharmacist - physician Chess player - computer programmer Economist - city planner Engineer - financial service - inventor Mathematician - mechanic/mechanical engineer - technologist Programmer - records clerks - researcher Scientist - statistician - tax accountant
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Visual/Spatial Intelligence Photographer - graphic designer Advertiser - architect - artist - builder - carpenter Cartographer - chess player - coach - commercial artist Computer specialist - craftsperson - decorator - dentist Draftsperson/drafting engineer - engineer Fashion designer - film editor/director Furniture restorer - geographer - geometrician Industrial design - interior designer - inventor Landscape architect/designer - makeup artist Mechanic - navigator - outdoors guide - painter Pilot - sailor - sculptor - seamstress Set designer - sign painter - surgeon - surveyor
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Body/Kinesthetic/Tactile Acrobat - dancer - aerobic teacher - coach Physical education teacher - athlete - ballet dancer Actor - actress - drama coach Jockey - rodeo rider - equestrian Assembler - building trade person Carpenter - choreographer - clown Massage therapist - gymnast - pianist Commercial artist - construction worker - craftsperson Inventor - juggler - magician - manual laborer Mechanic - mime - physical therapist Sculptor - stunt people - surgeon - trainer - architect
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Musical Intelligence Conductor - composer - band member - choir director Critic - dancer - disc jockey - figure skater Instrumentalist - instrumental instructor Music critic - musical performer - music teacher Music therapist - professional performer Recording technician - rock group - singer - song writer Sound engineer - teacher - violinist
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Naturalist Intelligence Biologist - botanist - chef - environmentalist Landscape artist - navigator - park ranger - sailor Veterinarian - weather tracking specialist Zoo keeper - animal handler - anthropologist - astronomer
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Intrapersonal Intelligence Entrepreneur - consultant - counselor - creative writer Guru - leadership trainer - philosopher - psychiatrist Psychologist - psychotherapist - researcher - sage Self employed people - spiritual counselor - therapist Writer
Career Areas for Multiple Intelligences Interpersonal Intelligence Teacher - therapist - travel agent/counselor Business person - chess player Child care worker - clergyman - coach Community organizer - consumer service advocate Counselor - homemaker - manager - mediator - nurse Politician - probation officer - psychologist Psychotherapist - public relation promoter - receptionist Recreation assistant - religious leader - salesperson - waiter/waitress Secretary - social leader - social director - social worker
Resources /client_ftp/ks3/ict/multiple_int/what.cfm