Unit One all images shamelessly lifted from google
adulterate (VERB) to corrupt, contaminate Phrase: The company is accused of adulterating its products with cheap additives. * Synonyms – degrade, spoil, taint * Antonym- purify
ambidextrous (ADJ.) able to use both hands equally well; deceitful & hypocritical Phrase: I should say he is ambidextrous, but he uses his left hand by preference. Synonyms – deceitful, deceptive, hypocritical * Antonym- right-handed
augment (VERB) to make larger, increase Phrase: The recent speech from the President augmented tensions in the Near East. * Synonyms – supplement, build up, extend * Antonym- decrease
bereft (ADJ.) deprived of Phrase: The unlively place was bereft of human life. * Synonyms – minus, devoid of, robbed of * Antonym- full, happy
deploy (VERB) To position or arrange; to form up Phrase: The U.S. must deploy their troops where needed. * Synonyms –expand, open, arrange* Antonym- conclude, end, finish
dour (ADJ.) stern and unyielding; gloomy and ill-humored Phrase: The dour expression of the teacher’s face was funny to people who understood. *Synonyms – harsh, bleak * Antonym- cheery
fortitude (NOUN) courage in facing difficulties Phrase: He suffered his illness with dignity and fortitude. * Synonyms – boldness, perseverance, grit * Antonym- apathy, fear “The strength to resist, the courage to endure.”
gape (VERB) To stare with open mouth or to open wide Phrase: The sail gaped and prohibited the sailors from reaching land. * Synonyms – glare, gloat, goggle * Antonym- ignore, close
gibe (VERB) To utter taunting words (NOUN) An expression of scorn Phrase: I knew that Nancy was not my friend when she made a gibe about me. * Synonyms – jab, sarcasm, swipe * Antonym- compliment, flattery (VERB) To utter taunting words (NOUN) An expression of scorn
guise (NOUN) an external appearance, mask Phrase: Huddled on the street in a guise of beggars was a prince. * Synonyms- disguise, face, fashion * Antonym- reality, back
insidious (ADJ.) intended to deceive or entrap Phrase: The insidious information was a rumor to create chaos. * Synonyms – secret, intriguing, subtle * Antonym- honest, fair
intimation (NOUN) A hint or indirect suggestion Phrase: The death of his cat was his first intimation of mortality. * Synonyms – hint, inkling, clue * Antonym- information
opulent (ADJ.) wealthy, luxurious Phrase: The opulent lifestyle of the man was hard to keep up in college. * Synonyms – luxurious, expensive * Antonym- poor, “broke”
pliable (ADJ.) easily bent or influenced Phrase: The pliable policy allowed anyone to trespass on the property. * Synonyms – flexible, limber * Antonym -- stubborn, inflexible
reiterate (VERB) to say again Phrase: After winning the race, the boy reiterated that he was the winner. * Synonyms – repeat, restate, echo * Antonym- take back
stolid (ADJ) not easily moved mentally or emotionally Phrase: The stolid man did not react after food was thrown in his face. * Synonyms –apathetic, detached * Antonym- interested, lively
tentative (ADJ.) – experimental in nature; unsure and hesitant Phrase: The tentative schedule made the organized friend crazy. * Synonyms – unconfirmed, provisional, test * Antonym- final
unkempt (ADJ.) untidy, sloppy Phrase: An unkempt room is a pet peeve for many parents. * Synonyms – uncombed, tousled, shaggy * Antonym-trim, neat
verbatim (Adv, Adj) word for word Phrase: He gave me a verbatim report of the conversation after the argument. * Synonyms – direct, exact, precisely * Antonym- essentially
warily (ADV.) – cautiously, with great care Phrase: The scared child walked warily down the street. * Synonyms – carefully, discreetly * Antonym- hastily