English Vocabulary SET 2
Aptitude Noun Synonym: Proneness , talent, potential Antonym: Skilless, inability, talentless
Ability to learn or understand quickly. Her aptitude for Japanese was so good, she could speak it fluently in three years.
attentive Adjective Synonym: Alert Antonym: Neglectful
Give attention to something; also be considerate to others. The salesman’s attentive nature made the customer want to buy from his store.
banish Verb Synonym: Exile Antonym: Welcome
To force to leave a country or place. Nancy was so scared, what if the Queen banished her? Or put her in the dungeon? … What if the Queen put her in the dungeon of the place that she banished her to?!
barricade Noun/Verb Synonym: Barrier Antonym: Opening
(n) A temporary structure put up to block passage; an obstacle. (v) To block an opening or passage. (n) The barricade was so weak, the angry warrior sliced through it with one hefty swipe of his sword. (v) After barricading the threshold with the enormous table, his adversaries were foiled and could not follow the warrior.
gusto Noun Synonym: Enthusiasm Antonym: Reluctance
Great enjoyment; zest. The little girl showed great gusto in beating the seasoned cook. She was so happy she gave everyone a slice of the enormous cake.
habitation Noun Synonym: Abode Antonym: Office
A place to live. The scientist didn’t like to use small words like house, or home. He preferred habitation or niche.
hasten Verb Synonym: Accelerate Antonym: Loiter
To act or move quickly; hurry; to cause something to happen more quickly. “Hurry up Dad! I’m going to be late for my soccer tournament!” she yelled at her dad, trying to hasten them out the door.
havoc Noun Synonym: Catastrophe Antonym: Peace
Very great destruction or disorder. “I love havoc, don’t you?” she inquired. “No, it’s kind of hard when you have to dodge the falling building.
quell Verb Synonym: Calm Antonym: Violent
To cause to feeling to be less intense; to settle. She quelled the crying baby by singing a sweet lullaby.
Recluse Noun Synonym: Solitary monk, hermit Antonym: Extrovert, social butterfly
A person who live alone and has little to do with society. The old recluse hadn’t seen any humans in such a long time.
Replenish Verb Synonym: Fill Antonym: Empty
To build a supply of something again; fill again. Gary wanted to go replenish his water bottle, so he went to the water fountain to fill it up again.
recuperate Verb Synonym: Provide Antonym: Deplete
To return to normal health; to recover. Eliza was so sick from the H1N1 virus, so could have died. I’m so thankful she recuperated.
The next five words are Honors supplemental words HONORS VOCABULARY The next five words are Honors supplemental words
bedlam Noun Synonym: Pandemonium Antonym: Peace
A scene or state of wild uproar and confusion. Jack hit Joe , so Joe kicked Jack, and the kitchen exploded in bedlam.
kowtow Verb Synonym: overly-attentive Antonym: Ignore
To be overly polite and flattering, to fawn I hated the way the sales clerk kowtowed to the wealthy customers and ignored the poor clients.
cogitate Verb Synonym: Ponder Antonym: Ignore
To think hard; meditate. Melissa cogitated on how her husband could cook better than her. She wondered why and planned to take some cooking classes.
disheveled Adjective Synonym: Messy Antonym: Orderly
Hanging loosely or in disorder; unkempt. The disheveled fiancé trudged into the conference room, her hair was blue and tousled, and her clothes were wrinkly. Plus, her best friend was trying to steal her wedding.
pulchritude Noun Synonym: Elegance Antonym: Ugly
Physical beauty; comeliness. The gorgeous woman strutted into the ballroom, people around her saying that she looked pulchritudinous.