Latin & Greek Roots Book 3 Unit 4
1. FORM Latin for “to form, to establish”
2. MISINFORMATION Untrue or wrong information Synonym: deception Antonym: fact The two warring countries constantly circulated misinformation to confuse each other.
3. REFORM To bring back to rightness, order, or morality Synonym: correct Antonym: ruin Many people believe we need to reform our judicial system, but few no where to begin.
4. FORMATIVE Occurring at the time of the most influence Synonym: developmental Antonym: non-influential The Harlem Renaissance was a formative time for art, jazz, and writing.
5. APT, EPT Latin for “to fit”
6. INEPT Unskilled; clumsy Synonym: awkward Antonym: graceful JFK was never an inept speaker; he is known to have been one of the most eloquent U.S. Presidents.
7. ADEPT Skilled; expert at Synonym: masterful Antonym: incompetent M.C. Escher is an adept artist who makes a piece of paper come alive.
8. APTITUDE Skill or suitability for Synonym: ability Antonym: ineptitude Many people don’t discover their true aptitude for a career until college.
9. POS, PON Greek for “to put, place”
10. POSIT To put forth; assert Synonym: propose Antonym: ignore I posit the belief that all human beings are created equal and capable of unimaginable beauty.
11. IMPOSE To forcibly place upon Synonym: inflict Antonym: remove I hate when people try to impose their political or religious beliefs upon me.
12. DISPOSITION Attitude or mood Synonym: character The captain’s impatient and angry disposition led him to throw many lazy sailors to the sharks.
13. FIG Latin for “to shape”
14. FIGMENT Something invented or imaginary Synonym: phantom Antonym: fact I am unable to watch scary movies, even though I know the monsters they contain are figments of someone’s imagination.
15. EFFIGY A figure constructed in mockery An effigy of the other team’s mascot was burned at the pep rally.
16. PREFIGURE To look like or predict a later thing or event Synonym: foreshadow The gun kept by the protagonist prefigured a death later in the novel.