Instructional Team Collective Commitments We will: demonstrate our pride through our words, actions and attitudes provide a method for students to continually track their own progress routinely provide targeted feedback to students and parents in a timely manner commit to ongoing professional learning work together to meet the academic, social, emotional and cultural needs of the Meredith community consistently teach, model and reinforce school expectations communicate positively to promote professional accountability
Core Concepts and Skills for: IOWA CORE – Prior to this summer Core Concepts and Skills for: Literacy Mathematics Social Studies Science 21st Century Skills K-12 by grade bands Core Concepts and Skills for: Social Studies Science 21st Century Skills K-12 by grade bands Literacy Mathematics
IOWA CORE – On July 28, 2010 IOWA CORE - Science (K-5, 6-8, HS) Social Studies (K-5, 6-8, HS) 21st Century Skills (K-5, 6-8, HS) Civic Literacy, Employability Skills, Financial Literacy, Health Literacy, Technological Literacy NATIONAL COMMON CORE English/Language Arts (by grade level) Mathematics (by grade level)
“Full Implementation” of IA Core Full implementation is accomplished when the school or district is able to provide evidence that an ongoing process is in place to ensure that each and every student is learning the Essential Concepts and Skill Sets of the Iowa Core Curriculum. A school that has fully implemented the Iowa Core Curriculum is engaged in an ongoing process of data gathering and analysis, decision making, identifying actions, and assessing impact around alignment and professional development focused on content, instruction, and assessment. The school is fully engaged in a continuous improvement process that specifically targets improved student learning and performance. -- Iowa Department of Education
Journal Writing Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Writing Monday How do you make a good impression? Pg 30. quiver, ferocity, portly, linger, sheepishly, unison, conflict, exposition, climax, resolution Pg.30-31 Before reading activities Pg 32 target passage for fluency - Skill: punctuation – teacher model and mini-lesson Read a descriptive writing model. Could use Write Smart Interactive Student Model – “Sammy’s My Special Place” Tuesday Web for “My Special Place” Use 5 senses. Have a teacher example on the Overhead or Elmo Graphic Organizer – Teacher model 2 -3 words then student assignment Teacher read aloud and model analysis of plot Exposition and rising action pp. 32 – 37 Pg. 37 targeted passage Model partner reading Use black and white picture. Have students write a description using sensory details. Wed. Victor arrives at school with several goals in mind. What are some goals that you would like to achieve this year? Teacher model how to use vocabulary words in sentences. Climax, falling action, and resolution End of page 37 – 38 Use GO pg 39 for plot line Pg. 38 targeted passage Using the web for “My Special Place”, students will begin to pre-write a descriptive piece. (rough draft) Thurs. How would the story be different if Victor had admitted his deception to Teresa. How do you think she might have reacted? Quiz for vocabulary words. WEEKLY TEST Teacher model and read aloud the test Students choose one of the targeted passages, use punctuation bookmark. Each partner group turn in their bookmarks. Continue on rough draft…conference with teacher, if needed. Friday Word picture antonym definition synonym
Journal Writing Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Writing Possible Targets Monday Why are pets good companions? Pg. 42 copious, disembodied, evasive, foray, foresighted, languish, posterity, reproof, descriptive, and conventions Pg. 42-43 Before reading activities Pg. 44 targeted passage for fluency - Skill: punctuation – teacher model and mini-lesson Mini-lesson using WRITE SMART CD –using Interactive Revision Lesson – Coherence - Synonyms I can correctly pronounce the vocabulary words. Tuesday Describe your favorite pet using a web graphic organizer. Graphic Organizer – Teacher model 2 -3 words then student assignment Using Audio Anthology – play CD of The Last Dog – play 20 minutes – Identify the clues of the setting of this story. Save for Wednesday. Pg. 51 targeted passage Mini-lesson using WRITE SMART CD –using Interactive Revision Lesson – Coherence - Consistent Word Choice I found clues to the setting in the story. Wed. Write the sequence of the plot from the first part of The Last Dog Teacher model how to use vocabulary words in sentences. Using Audio Anthology – finish The Last Dog – Review predictions and clues from Tuesday – Are the predictions correct? Do we know the setting? Pg. 55 targeted passage Mini-lesson using WRITE SMART CD –using Interactive Revision Lesson – Coherence - Repetition I will be able to sequence 5 -7 events in the story. Thurs. Choose a different setting for The Last Dog. How will the new setting change the story? pg. 59 Vocabulary in Context # 1-8 Vocabulary in Writing Model for students – writing the paragraph together Pg. 58 Model with students Pair – Share discussion strategy using Questions # 1-8. Pg. 57 targeted passage Mini-lesson using WRITE SMART CD –using Interactive Revision Lesson – Coherence - Rephrasing I can work with a partner to analyze a story. Friday Tell me what you know about plot and setting. Vocabulary Quiz WEEKLY TEST Teacher model and read aloud the test. Target is I can identify setting in a story. Students choose one of the targeted passages, use punctuation bookmark. Each partner group turns in their bookmarks. Peer Editing for synonyms, consistent word choice, repetition, and rephrasing. I can edit my writing for coherence. (synonyms, consistent word choice, repetition, and rephrasing) Word picture antonym definition synonym