Vocabulary Unit 6 Level F
Anomalous (adj.) Abnormal, irregular, departing from the usual Synonyms: unusual, atypical Antonyms: normal, regular
Aspersion (n.) A damaging or derogatory statement; the act of slandering or defaming Synonym: denigration Anonyms: endorsement, praise
Bizarre (adj.) Extremely strange Synonyms: grotesque, outlandish Antonym: ordinary
Brusque (adj.) Abrupt, blunt, Synonyms: curt, tactless, gruff Antonyms: gracious, courteous
Cajole (v.) To coax, persuade through flattery; to deceive with soothing thoughts or false promises Synonyms: wheedle, sweet-talk Antonyms: force, strong-arm
Castigate (v.) To punish severely; to criticize severely Synonyms: chastise, rebuke Antonyms: reward, honor, praise
Contrive (v.) To plan with ingenuity, invent; to bring about as the result of a scheme or plan Synonyms: think up, devise, concoct
Demagogue (n.) A leader who exploits popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power Synonyms: rabble-rouser, firebrand
Disabuse (v.) To free from deception or error, set right in ideas or thinking Synonyms: undeceive, enlighten, set straight Antonyms: deceive, delude
Ennui (n.) Weariness and dissatisfaction from lack of occupation or interest, boredom Synonyms: languor, world-weariness, listlessness Antonyms: enthusiasm, liveliness
Fetter (n.) A chain or shackle placed on the feet; anything that confines or restrains (v.) to chain or shackle Synonyms: bond, restraint Antonyms: free, liberate
Heinous (adj.) Very wicked, offensive, hateful Synonyms: evil, odious Antonyms: excellent, wonderful Joseph Kony
Immutable (adj.) Not subject to change, constant Synonyms: unchangeable, unalterable Antonyms: changeable, variable
Insurgent (v.) One who reels or rises against authority (adj.) Rising in revolt, refusing to accept authority Synonyms: revolutionary, rebellious Antonyms: loyalist, faithful
Megalomania (n.) A delusion marked by a feeling of power, wealth, talent, etc., far in excess of reality Synonym: delusions of grandeur Antonyms: humility, modesty
Sinecure (n.) A position requiring little or not work; an easy job Synonyms: “no-show” job, cushy job
Surreptitious (adj.) Stealthy, secret, intended to escape observation Synonyms: covert, clandestine Antonyms: open, frank
Transgress (v.) To go beyond a limit or boundary; to sin, violate a law Synonyms: overstep, exceed, trespass Antonyms: obey, toe the line
Transmute (v.) To change from one nature, substance, or form to another Synonyms: transform, convert Antonyms: maintain unchanged, preserve
Vicarious (adj.) Performed, suffered, or otherwise experienced by one person in place of another Synonyms: surrogate, substitute, secondhand Antonyms: real, actual, firsthand