Integration of Arts in K-2 to Improve Language Development of ELLs SURF-IT 2011 Dr. Liane Brouillette Department of Education University of California, Irvine with thanks to Kiruthika Paulvannan Biological Sciences
What is the Teaching Artist Project? Funded by Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ) grant by California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) UCI Dr. Liane Brouillette Dr. Brad Hughes San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) Karen Childress-Evans (VAPA) Denise Lynne (VAPA)
Challenges No Child Left Behind (2001) CA budget crisis limits funding English language learners score lower (Goldenberg, C. (2008) Teaching English language learners: What the research does—and does not—say) CA budget crisis limits funding Challenges facing San Diego schools 30.2% of students don’t speak English at home Isolated from English-speaking peers Add Source (From SDUSD:
Goals of Project Enhance K-2 oral language skills Provide English language development for English language learners Integrate arts into literacy lessons Provide teachers with hands-on experience in teaching arts to ELLs
Prior Research Theatre arts are effective in developing oral language skills (Podlozny, A. (2000). Strengthening verbal skills through the use of classroom drama: A clear link) Oral language key to fluency, literacy skills (Goldenberg, C. (2008) Teaching English language learners: What the research does—and does not—say.) Add Source Credit: Jasmine Yep, Liane Brouillette
Original K-2 Teaching Artist Project (2007-10) 3 Cohorts of 5 schools (15 total) Each teacher receives 1 year working with teaching artists Lesson videos available online Dance, Theatre, Visual Arts 9 lessons in each of 3 arts disciplines Co-teach 27 lessons with teaching artist
Revised K-2 Teaching Artist Project (2010-14) 3 Cohorts of 5 schools (15 total) Each teacher receives 1 year working with teaching artists Lesson videos available online Dance & Theatre 14 lessons in each of 2 arts disciplines Co-teach 28 lessons with teaching artist
Why it works: Multiple senses are engaged: Hear, see, say, do Visual cues Self-correction Teachers can see who understands Credit: Jasmine Yep, Liane Brouillette
What Teachers Reported “About 95% of my kids are ELL. At the beginning of the school year, half did not talk at all. But in the arts lessons they are excited, using their vocabulary.” Credit: Jasmine Yep, Liane Brouillette
What Teachers Reported “When we were discussing characters from stories, I’d say: ‘Remember when you had theatre, how you felt when you acted it out…?’” Credit: Jasmine Yep, Liane Brouillette
Original vs. Revised Necessary slide? Replace with results.
Continuing Challenges Teaching Artists Differ in teaching styles Vary in effectiveness Year after Co-Teach Teachers implement Mentors at each school at each grade level Vary in comfort level Vary in fidelity Feel time pressure Arts specialists support Credit: Jasmine Yep, Liane Brouillette
Goals for The Future How to enhance: Multimodal learning the arts provide Social-emotional development via performing arts Motivation and engagement via creative activity Critical thinking via art Credit: Jasmine Yep, Liane Brouillette
For More Information: Center for Learning and Sustainability: Lesson Videos: Lesson Plans:
Thanks to: Stuart Ross Said Shokair Anna Lynn Spitzer Shellie Nazarenus G.P. Li SURF-IT fellows, mentors, speakers Dr. Liane Brouillette Dr. Brad Hughes Pete Laubach Farhan Siddiqi MDP Team: Anna, Janelle, Kelly, Nathaniel, Nikita, Rose Mary San Diego Unified School District, Visual and Performing Arts