Focusing on the Future…. Wall to Wall Career Academies Focusing on the Future….
3 Academy Choices Humanities and Human Services Academy Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Academy Culinary, Agriculture, Arts, Business HHS STEM CAAB
What academy is for you? HHS CAAB STEM
Our steps to full Implementation Phase In/Implementation Identify Academy Advisory Develop a schedule Select Related Courses Identify Completer Requirements Choose Pathways Determine the Academies Develop Academies Team
Success District Wide Theme: FOCUS College/Career Ready Elementary School Finding your Focus… Middle School Getting Focused…. High School Staying Focused… Success College/Career Ready ELEMENTARY LEVEL Career Themed Units Career Awareness Activities Transition Ready MIDDLE SCHOOL LEVEL PLTW Career Awareness Activities High School Tours Transition Ready ICAPS Field Trips Career Day (CTE) HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL PLTW Career Academies Career/College Fairs Keystone ICAPS Academy Night Freshman Orientation District Wide Theme: FOCUS
Implementation Process Get the information out there All current freshman will choose an academy for the 2016-2017 school year. All new incoming sophomores will choose an academy for 2016-2017 school year. By the school year 2018-2019, wall to wall academies will be in place, and all students will be enrolled in a career academy. Get the information out there Faculty meeting to discuss upcoming changes with the entire staff Brochures Radio Broadcast Newspaper School and District Website Career Academy 9th Grade Student Orientation Career Explosion Career Academy Night for parents and students Class Registration for the 2016-2017 school year