Service Academy Nominations Process US Senator Joe Donnelly - 2017
Basics of the Nominations Process One of Senator Donnelly’s duties as an elected official is to nominate outstanding and honorable Hoosier students for consideration to one of four military academies The US Coast Guard Academy does not require a nomination To be accepted into one of the academies, please remember that you must be applying to the academy’s admissions office concurrently with your application for a nomination from Senator Donnelly Each process is to be completed separately but concurrently
Basics of the Nominations Process: Requirements To receive a nomination from Senator Donnelly, you must be: A United States citizen A resident of Indiana Between the ages of 17 & 23, depending on each academy’s specific requirements Single, never been married, no children, without dependents Able to meet the moral, academic, and medical standards set forth by the academy Basics of the Nominations Process: Requirements
Basics of the Nominations Process: 2016-2017 Nominations Senator Donnelly’s Nominations West Point: 10 US Air Force Academy: 10 US Naval Academy: 10 US Merchant Marine Academy: 4 Basics of the Nominations Process: 2016-2017 Nominations In the 2016-2017 school year, our office nominated 34 students out of 126 applicants West Point Military Academy: 10 nominations, 2 appointments US Air Force Academy: 10 nominations, 1 appointments US Naval Academy: 10 nominations, 2 appointments US Merchant Marine Academy: 0 appointments
Basics of the Nominations Process: Important Information It is important to note that a nomination from Senator Donnelly is not a guarantee of admission to an academy i.e., you must also be accepted into the academy by their admissions board Senator Donnelly’s office uses the competitive model for nominations This means that all nominations are issued on a level playing field Neither a ranking nor a preference is attached to any nomination A successful nomination consists of two important parts: the application and the interview with Senator Donnelly’s Service Academy Nominations Committee Basics of the Nominations Process: Important Information
The Application
Senator Donnelly’s application for nomination consists of six important sections: The written application Official high school transcript Include SAT/ACT Scores Personal motivational essay 3 letters of recommendation A current class photo Contents & Due Date It is due, with all necessary attachments, no later than 6:00 p.m. on Friday, September 15th, 2017, to our Indianapolis office No exceptions will be made for late or incomplete applications
The Written Application Form The written application requires you to provide information on your extracurricular activities, achievements, and interests Additionally, you must send us your official SAT or ACT scores This is to be sent separately from the written application form Official SAT or ACT scores: You can choose to have these scores sent to our office when you take the test or request that your scores be sent through College Board and ACT after you take the exams SAT code: 0208 ACT code: 7128 Please write in blue or black ink; anything received in another color of ink or in pencil will not be accepted for review The Written Application Form
Official High School Transcript Contact your school’s guidance counselor to request a copy of your official transcript . Even if your school does not use a 0.0 - 4.0 GPA scale, you must submit every course taken and grade received throughout your high school career along with your current class schedule. You must submit the official transcript from your high school. This will be signed and sealed. Official High School Transcript
Personal Essay No more than 300 words This is an opportunity for you to use your voice and show your ability to effectively communicate your desire to be an officer in the US Armed Forces When explaining why you want to pursue a career in the military, you should include any attributes that make you especially suited for the job and any specific career goals You should also include any past experiences that would influence your success in a military academy or that are related to a potential military career Please stay to the 300 word limit Personal Essay
Three Letters of Recommendation You are required to submit 3 Letters of Recommendation Just as in any other university application, whomever you ask to provide a letter of recommendation should be someone who is not a family member that can speak to your personal qualities and that has experience with measuring your performance in some way. i.e.= for example a teacher, coach, guidance counselor, employer, volunteer coordinator, ROTC sergeant, etc. Choose people who can cite specific instances where you displayed the character and personality of someone fit for military service Three Letters of Recommendation
Please submit your official Senior class photo with your name on the back A word of advice: Do not submit any profile pictures or pictures with you in them from any type of social media. If you have to ask yourself if it’s inappropriate, it is inappropriate Not only is this unprofessional, but it shows that you are unable to follow express directions, which is a key part of any future military service career A Current Photograph
This is a perfect example of how your picture should look: A Current Photograph
The Interview
As part of your nomination, you are required to attend an interview with a member of our office’s committee The interview will last approximately 15 minutes We will work to schedule all applicants as best as we can We will not work around social activities or family vacations. Please dress appropriately for your interview Refrain from wearing jeans, ripped, or tight-fitted clothing Business Casual/ Professional should be your general guide for this interview Interview Basics
Essentially, the interview is a way to make yourself stand out We receive your application form and review your qualifications, but this does not give us a true feel for who you are Be prepared with examples of your leadership experiences Interview Basics
In determining the nomination, the quality of your whole application will be taken into consideration This includes your community involvement, moral character, and leadership qualities If a nomination is not given, you are more than welcome to re- apply the following year, as academies allow for university transfers 30% of students in military service academies have at least one year of college under their belts when they enter Remember:
Senator Donnelly’s Office Contacts The main point of contact that you will need to use during the nominations process will be Senator Donnelly’s office in Indianapolis and the Senator’s website Teresa Petree, Service Academy Nominations Coordinator To contact our Indianapolis office, please give us a call at (317) 226- 5555 to ask questions related to your application You may always send us an e-mail at Additionally, you may send a request to our office in Indianapolis at the following address: Senator Joe Donnelly 115 N. Pennsylvania St., Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Senator Donnelly’s Office Contacts