Superintendent Goals SY2014-15 Developed: August 7, 2014 Adopted: September 18, 2014
Raise Student Achievement - Weight 20% Create a plan to increase math achievement among all students – Weight 10% Accomplished – See Consent Decree and BOE presentation of May 7, 2015 Take measures to grow AP and Honors enrollment among all students – Weight 5% Accomplished - Since 2011-12 enrollments have increased by over 30% Identify Local accountability measures as part of ALSDE Accountability Measures – Weight 3% Accomplished - As a local measure of school system effectiveness we will organize food service programs to sustain aggregate school breakfast participation rates among HCS secondary and elementary students which exceed those typical of public school students in Alabama. Identify Program Evaluation measures as part of ALSDE Accountability Measures – Weight 2% Accomplished – As a program measure we will sustain rates of HCS enrollments in high-quality Pre-K classes relative to Kindergarten enrollments which exceed those typical of public school students in Alabama with the objective of ultimately providing a Pre-K opportunity to all students who will enter Kindergarten in HCS .
Continue to improve Finance and Business Activities – Weight 14% Absent reduction in state, local, or federal funding, sustain the required G.F. reserve - Weight 10% Accomplished – Projected reserves will exceed $36 million compared with required reserves of $18 million. See May 20, 2015 BOE Budget Update. Revise Budgetary Plans as necessary to implement court approved orders – Weight 3% Accomplished – See May 20, 2015 BOE Budget Update Reserves
Revise Capital Plans as necessary to implement approved student assignment plans – Weight 1% School Construction and Renovation - Accomplished – Plans are in place for construction of: Huntsville High 9th Grade Academy Whitesburg P8 AAA P8 Hereford ES McNair Jr. High Jemison High School Grissom High School Small Labs at All Schools with a 7th Grade – Accomplished (See Operations Update, BOE Meeting, Jun 4, 2015) Upgrade Playgrounds – Accomplished (See Operations Update, BOE Meeting, Jun 4, 2015): Montview ES - Completed Highlands ES - Completed Chapman School - Completed Rolling Hills ES - Completed
Continue to Improve Talent Management Capabilities - Weight 15% Assess elementary classroom staff development needs with regard to arithmetic and mathematics instruction - Weight 10% - Accomplished. We Have Identified Highly Motivated and Skilled Teachers in Grades K - 6 to Build Student Affinity for and Mastery of Key Math Knowledge as We Accelerate Math Instruction Over the Coming Three Years Number of K-6 Teachers
Assess the staff development needs of mathematics teachers in secondary grades – Weight 2% - Accomplished EDUCATEAlabama Self-Assessment results indicated 39% of HCS Teachers rated themselves as beginning or emerging in the area of Solving Mathematical Problems (3.5). Another 32% of HCS Teachers rated themselves as beginning or emerging in the area of Communicating Mathematical Concepts and Practices (3.6). Additional tools used to assess mathematical needs of teachers included: Pearson Coaching Logs, Site-Data Reviews, Instructional Rounds, District-Level Walkthroughs and School Long-Range PD Plans.
Secondary Math Professional Development Implemented in 2014-2015 Create a staff development plan for elementary grade classroom teachers and secondary grade mathematics teachers with regard strengthening staff capacity in arithmetic and mathematics - Weight 3% - Accomplished Secondary Math Professional Development Implemented in 2014-2015 Secondary Professional Development Sessions (June 2014) Pearson Embedded Coaching Professional Development (14 days per school) CCRS Math Training (Quarterly) National Council of Teachers of Mathematics – (April 2014) National Institute for School Leadership: Leadership for Excellence in Math (April 2015) Math Conceptual Knowledge for Administrators (April 2015) Laying the Foundation Math: Trainer of Trainer Module (June 2014) Advanced Placement Summer Institute Math (June 2014) Digits Training (July 2014) Laying the Foundation Math Modules 9-12 (July/November 2014) Dan Meyer – Strategies for Engaging Students in Common Core Math (January 2015) Vertical Math Teams Quarterly (2014-2105) Secondary Math Professional Development Summer 2015 Laying the Foundation Training (June 1-3, 2015) Secondary Professional Development Sessions (June 4-5, 2015) Building Conceptual Understanding In Math (June 4 – 5, 2015) Differentiation In Math (June 4 – 5, 2015) Math Formative Assessments (June 4-5, 2015) Digits Training (July 2015)
Implement Construction Program - Weight 25% Implement construction of Whitesburg P8 school in preparation for delivery for the 2015-16 school year - Weight 5% - Accomplished, On Budget, On Schedule, See Operations Update, May 4, 2015 Implement construction plans necessary to deliver AAA P8 for SY2015-16 – Weight - 3% - Accomplished, On Budget, On Schedule, See Operations Update, May 4 ,2015 Design and implement construction plans necessary to deliver McNair Jr. High and Jemison High School for SY2016-17 – Weight 5% - Accomplished, On Budget, On Schedule, See Operations Update, May 4 ,2015 Design and implement construction plans necessary to deliver Hereford School for SY2016-17 – Weight 5% - Accomplished, On Budget, On Schedule, See Operations Update, May 4 ,2015 Design and implement construction plans necessary to deliver Grissom High School NLT SY2017-18 – Weight 5% - Accomplished, On Budget, On Schedule, See Operations Update, May 4 ,2015 Design and program such other construction and renovation projects necessary to implement court orders – Weight 2% - Accomplished, On Budget, On Schedule, See Operations Update, May 4 ,2015
Make progress in “Green Factors” to implement plan to achieve unitary status - Weight 25% Develop a plan to strengthen the Magnet Program that will ultimately reside in Jemison High School – Weight 10% - Accomplished – See Special Called BOE Meeting of May 20, 2015 for adoption of the College Academy MOU between Huntsville City Schools and the University of Alabama Huntsville. In the past month over 100 seventh grade students have applied for admission to the College Academy To date we have selected 20 students for the College Academy Class of 2020 We are currently accepting applications for the College Academy Class of 2020 Home School of 7th Grade Students Notified of Early Admission to the College Academy Number of Students Accepted Academy for Science and Foreign Language Challenger Middle School Chapman School Hampton Cove Middle School McNair Junior High School Mountain Gap School Westlawn Middle School Whitesburg School Williams Middle School 1 Student 3 Students 6 Students 4 Students 2 Students
Develop a program to enhance marketing of magnet programs and advanced academic and career readiness courses - Weight 10% Accomplished - Based Upon New Centralized Application Procedures Contained in our Consent Order, We Increased Magnet School Applications by 90% and Enrollments by Over 43% Number of Students Enrolled in Magnet Programs and Schools
As Part of Marketing our Magnet Programs, M-to-M Opportunities and Career Readiness Programs We Have Greatly Expanded Communication and Engagement Activities to Include the Use of Billboards and TV Advertising Marketing and Advertising: Magnet Awareness Week 8th Grade Days at Monaco Pictures Billboard Advertisements for Magnet Events TV Advertising Ads at Carmike and Hollywood 18 Cinemas Learning Expo-sponsored by "Rocket City Mom“ Targeted Magnet Recruiting Activities: Lunch visits by Columbia, ASFL, Williams MS, Lee HS to schools with 8th Grades Evening Visit by Columbia, Lee, New Century, Johnson to middle schools Open House and Magnet Fair events at magnet schools and programs College Academy Marketing: Letters to candidate students Flyers given to all 7th grade students Jemison College Academy Information Sessions at each middle school
Marketing Course Offerings and Magnets Insert Opportunities Video Here
Percent of School Faculty Who Are African American – Oct 2014 Continue to show progress in attaining racial balance among faculty in all schools - Weight 5% Through Centralized Selection and Assignment of Teaching Talent, We Have Made Significant Progress with Regard to Faculty Diversity. In 2011 39% of Our Schools Met Our Faculty Diversity Goals. By October 2014 92% of Schools Met this Goal. Percent of School Faculty Who Are African American – Oct 2011 39% Percent of School Faculty Who Are African American – Oct 2014 92.5%