Teacher Slide-Please Read Students will access their Personal Statement template (which they should have downloaded and saved) and complete the request form. They may type or handwrite a draft; though the “draft” for a grade must be typed. We realize computer access is an issue; students should be working on an ongoing draft and should use time outside of Seminar as well as in Seminar (on a rotation) to type their statement. After students have completed their draft personal statement: Completed personal statements should be in their Junior binders (and on their OneDrive/WinHome) until they are ready to use it.
Upcoming Events in the LINC! Monday, Nov. 7: 3:00 PM: Palmers + Personal Statement and College App Workshop 3:20 PM: SAT Prep (Pre-registration required) Tuesday, Nov. 8: NONE Wednesday, Nov. 9: Thursday, Nov. 10: 3:00 PM: Palmers + Personal Statement and College App Workshop Upcoming Important Dates!!! November 10: Achievers Applications Due December 9: Palmer Scholars Applications Due
Announcement – Mary Todd Writing Centre
November 16, 2016 Learning Target: I can build a seminar binder with all assignments thus far completed and organized Agenda: -Autonomous Work Homework: Finish all Seminar Assn’s. Exit Ticket: - Show planner to teacher Do Now: Get out materials and get to work. Silent 15 minutes to start class period.
November 14,16,17, 2016 Remainder of Seminar: Learning Target: I can build a seminar binder with all assignments thus far completed and organized Agenda: -Autonomous Work Homework: Finish all Seminar Assn’s. Exit Ticket: - Show planner to teacher Remainder of Seminar: If you have no classwork or are missing work in seminar here is a list of assignments so far: ___ Seminar Syllabus ___SMART GOALS ___Retrieved and Started Seminar Binder ___Put Junior Check list in binder ___Get credit check conference if not completed ___ Complete LOR Request Form & request a LOR ___ALL assignments in binder ___Download all documents and save to OneDrive or WinHome
Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Do Now: Watch the two videos Learning Target: I can complete a personal statement. Agenda: Do Now Personal Statement Lesson Begin drafting personal statement Homework: -Draft personal statement Exit Ticket: - Show planner to teacher Do Now: Watch the two videos Writing a Personal Statement How to write about obstacles
Why is it important to write a STRONG personal statement? It’s a chance to Show your personality Demonstrate your ability to write Affirm your desire to attend college Set yourself apart Show off your individuality Demonstrate why you’re special Adapted from North Seattle Community College.
Use a theme to organize your ideas. Theme = A Unifying Idea Examples: Overcoming obstacles Helping others Taking on great challenges Creates coherence and unity
Theme examples: Show, don’t tell. Overcoming obstacles Example: As the first person in my family to attend college, I had to convince my brothers and sisters that higher education was a worthwhile pursuit. Although my brothers made fun of me for attending community college, I never wavered in my dedication to succeed.
Techniques to make it better Tie all your examples and life events in with the central theme of your statement Find natural connections that bridge each part of your essay to the next Hook the reader at the beginning (personal anecdote, etc.) Use concrete details, not vague ideas Check and double check grammar and spelling
Common Pitfalls Not reading the instructions in the application. Not writing about recent events. Reiterating information listed elsewhere in the application. Listing accomplishments without explanation or detail. Using gimmicky writing techniques, such as poems. Using cliches. Writing more about an inspirational person than yourself (e.g. your mother, favorite uncle, etc). Rambling, unfocused thoughts. Being overly humorous, self-deprecating or glorifying. Talking about money as a motivator
Do… Write it yourself. Write it about yourself. Provide any relevant information about yourself that you don’t think is captured elsewhere in the application. Write about experiences, accomplishments, etc. that occurred during or after high school. Provide specific examples of your accomplishments or activities in which you’ve participated. Keep your statement focused. Have your statement checked by a teacher, counselor or other adviser for spelling, grammar and clarity.
Write a rough draft (250-650 words) Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn? Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again? Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you? Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.
Mary Todd Writing Centre – The LINC Great Resources! Mary Todd Writing Centre – Tues/Thursday 3:15 – 4:15 Room 200 The LINC Tues/Thursday 3:30 – 5:30 Purdue OWL – “Writing the Personal Statement” https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/642/01/
This Week’s Assignment… Access your “Personal Statement Template” from O365 or your WinHome. (You should have downloaded this last week). Complete your ROUGH DRAFT personal statement (by hand, or typed). Then, in order to receive credit, you must TYPE and print or show your Seminar teacher your draft personal statement. Strong Draft of Personal Statement is Due as a Summative Grade on Thursday 11/17 Exceeds: Personal statement is typed, complete, clear, and with no grammatical mistakes. It was clearly revised and reads well. Meets: Personal statement is typed, complete, clear, and with 0-2 grammatical mistakes. It reads well. Approaches: Personal statement is somewhat complete, but lacks in clarity and/or grammatical structure. It is typed. Below: Personal statement is only partially completed and needs a lot of work to be a strong draft. It is handwritten or typed. No Evidence
Planners-EXIT SLIP Show your planner use to your seminar teacher as an exit slip December: 3 – Scholar Saturday 8 – Conferences 9 - Conferences January: 21 – Scholar Saturday 30 – Finals (period 1, 2, 3) 31 – Finals (period 4, 5, 6) March: 9 – SLCs 10 – SLCs 11 – Scholar Saturday April: 22 – Scholar Saturday May: 19 – Signing Day June: 3 - Scholar Saturday (SR) 8 – Moving Up Assembly 9 – Graduation 11 – Scholar Saturday (9-11)