Ch 14 sec 1 Byzantine Empire
Constantinople The New Rome in the east. Created by Emperor Constantine Greek replaced Latin as the official language. Hellenistic Moved from Rome to escape the attacks from German invaders. Good defensive city Surrounded on 3 sides by water. Chain in the harbor Huge walls and gates on the main entrance.
Siege of Constantinople
Constantinople Map
Architecture Hippodrome – an arena built in 200’s that held chariot races for entertainment.
Architecture Hagia Sophia – A Byzantine church built by Justinian in 537 A.D. Holy Wisdom
Justinian Ruler of the Byzantine Empire from 527 to 565 A.D. Empire reached its greatest size. Known for his reform to the law. Set up a commission to collect, revise, and organize all the laws of ancient Rome. Corpus Juris Civilis – body of civil law also known as Justinian’s Code. Impact: The Roman Catholic Church and medieval monarchs modeled their laws after it.
Theodora Justinian's wife and co-ruler. Remembered as a shrewd, tough, and ruthless politician. Was a former actress – seen as the lowest of all people in Byzantine culture. Justinian changed the marriage law to marry her. She convinced Justinian to stay in Constantinople and to put down a revolt against his rule. “Royal purple makes the best burial sheet”
Justinian and Theodora Mosaic
Byzantine church Called Eastern (Greek) Orthodox Religion Byzantine Emperor controls the church Patriarch is the highest church official appointed by the emperor. The clergy could marry Greek was the language of the church Most holy day is Easter. Schism with the Catholic church over the use of Icons – holy images.
Fall of the Byzantine Empire Sacked by the crusaders and controlled for 50 years until they won it back. Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Empire (1453) under Mehmed II after a two month siege of the city. The last emperor(Constantine XI) was offered safe passage but stated “God forbid that I should live, an emperor without an empire” He fought to the death. The city was renamed Istanbul. Hagia Sophia was turned into a mosque.