February 6th, 2014 Town Hall Welcome! We will begin the webinar shortly. Dial in number is 1-866-764-6750 Please use *# to mute your phone. You can unmute your phone using *#. Support at: datapipeline.support@cde.state.co.us Goal: Provide a weekly forum to answer LEA questions on Data Pipeline and inform LEA’s on any upcoming news and updates. 1
Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones) If you receive a call and need to pick up please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! Enter your Name and your District when logging into the webinar (no password will be needed) For today’s event, we will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2
Introductions And finally what you have all been waiting for… (or not) CDE Staff Introductions And finally what you have all been waiting for… (or not) A picture of the Data Services Unit team members ….. 3
We are all standing behind CDE’s Strategic Goals Introductions We are all standing behind CDE’s Strategic Goals 4
Agenda Production Application Downtime on Sunday, February 9th Data Pipeline Statistics Teacher Student Data Link Data Pipeline Report Card March Periodic Walkthrough 11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT End of Year Collection Special Education December 5
Production Application Downtime Production Pipeline and other applications that use Single Sign On will be down on Sunday, February 9th from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for an upgrade. Other applications using Single Sign On are listed under “Applications” on the Identity Management website, https://cdeapps.cde.state.co.us/index.html Some examples are: CEDAR, EDIS, and RITS 6
Data Pipeline Statistics
Interchanges 8 Collection Name January 16th LEAs with Respondents January 16th Number of Respondents LEAs submitting Files STD Student Interchange 196 444 185 STF Staff Interchange 222 458 169 TI1 Title I Interchange 143 273 97 SPE SPED IEP Interchange 78 161 61 TSL Teacher Student Interchange 99 168 10 DIS Discipline Interchange 75 126 1 8
Snapshot Collection Name January 16th LEAs with Respondents January 16th Number of Respondents LEAs submitting Files OCT October Count 200 463 185 SEY Student End of Year 13 19 DEC SPED December Count 78 171 61 SPI SPED Discipline 63 116 EOY SPED End of Year 69 132 2 HRD HR December 202 368 97 9
Year Round Collections Name January 8th LEAs with Respondents January 8th Number of Respondents LEAs submitting Files DIR Directory 193 316 - RTS RITS Batch File Upload 172 351 EDS EDIS Batch File upload 179 333 10
Periodic Collections Collection Name January 16th LEAs with Respondents January 16th Number of Respondents LEAs submitting Files ACT ACT SBD Collection 162 263 ACC Access SBD Collection 155 253 TCP TCAP SBD Collection 163 273 RCM Report Card March 150 221 FIN Finance December 204 337 194 11G 11th Grade Assessment 165 298 66 RED READ Collection 130 215 11
Non-Pipeline Related Collections Name December 16 LEAs with Respondents December 16 Number of Respondents LEAs submitting Files RITS RITS Web 212 956 - EDIS EDIS Web 206 546 SSCC Statewide Course Codes 193 630 12
Teacher Student Data Link 13
TSDL Snapshot Snapshot is in production Snapshot Timeline The link is in the process of being activated for use Snapshot Timeline The snapshot is available and will remain open until August 2014 All TSDL submissions must be approved before September 1st, 2014. 14
Teacher Student Data Link Interchange: Access Local Access Manager (LAM) will need to assign you prior to logging into Pipeline TSL_LEAUSER – submit and modify interchange data TSL_LEAVIEWER – View the data only (not modify or submit) Can only be assigned one or the other. (if you will be submitting data, then the LEAUSER role is required) 15
Prior to Submitting TSDL Files Student Data must be submitted in Student Interchange Files All students in TSDL Files must be in the student interchange Staff Data must be submitted in Staff Interchange Files All educators in TSDL Files must be in the staff interchange All Local Course Codes must be Mapped to the Standard Course Codes 16
TSDL Process 17 Student Data Interchange Staff Data Interchange Local Course Codes Mapped to SSCCs Teacher Student Data Link 17
Create Files Excel, CSV or Text File all accepted Need 2 separate files: Course Enrollment Course Instructor 1st record of data must be field names/titles The field widths do NOT have to match the byte length for the data field in excel 18
Course Instructor File: Business Rules District Code is required and must be valid School code is required and must be valid for reporting district Local Course Code must be valid (mapped to a Standard Course Code in the SCC system) EDID must be valid (Last Name, First Name, DOB and Gender all match with EDIS) Staff Role is Required Staff EDID Must be in Staff Interchange Profile All fields must be valid (zero filled if Not Applicable) 19
Course Enrollment File: Business Rules 4/11/2018 Course Enrollment File: Business Rules District Code is required and must be valid School code is required and must be valid for reporting district Local Course Code must be valid (mapped to a Standard Course Code in the SCC system) SASID must be valid (Last Name, First Name, DOB and Gender all match with RITS) All fields must be valid codes Should SCC be SSCC? 20
Snapshot Process Submit Data TSDL Interchange Submit to CDE ERRORS? YES NO Submit to CDE TSDL Snapshot No Edits at this time 21
Teacher Student Data Link Contacts Chris Vance at vance_c@cde.state.co.us Annette Severson at severson_a@cde.state.co.us 22
Human Resources 23
Known Defects HQ edits do not appear to be working correctly-we are working on getting these resolved soon HR007 – A full time teacher required at all schools. Should not be checking this for PK only schools- edit has been correct If exception is needed, please email severson_a@cde.state.co.us explaining the situation. I am not able to enter exceptions at this time- we are working on getting this resolved. 24
Full time Equivalent (FTE) Full time Equivalent (FTE) is calculated using: Job class code (for job categories) Hours per day Contract days FTE is calculated per record submitted All Staff has an FTE calculated Each job class code is categorized into 22 groups Categories, Mode Contract Days and Mode Hours per Day is a report in Cognos
(Contract Days) x (Hours/Day) (Mode Contract Days) x (Mode Hours/Day) FTE Calculation Full Time Equivalence (F.T.E.) is calculated individually within their job class category by: Each job class category has a mode contract days and mode hours/day based on the submitted data at the district level (Contract Days) x (Hours/Day) (Mode Contract Days) x (Mode Hours/Day)
FTE Example Sally is reported with 6 hours/day and 180 contract days. Her job class is 201 In the Data Summary Report, the mode contract days is 160 and the mode hours/day is 8 for her job class category (Instructional 201-206) FTE calculated by: 6 * 180 = 1080 = 0.8438 8 * 160 = 1280
Data Pipeline Report Card March Periodic Walkthrough
11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT
Miss the Training on Jan. 8th ? Assessing Students with a Disability Webpage - 11th Grade Alternate If you need a refresher, the Jan. 8th live webinar training is posted on the Assessing Students with a Disability webpage under the 11th Grade Alternate Assessment for Colorado ACT. Click on the name of the webinar to activate the recording. The PPT is posted underneath. 30
Jan. 27-Jan. 31 Preliminary Snapshot 4/11/2018 Jan. 27-Jan. 31 Preliminary Snapshot Data Respondent Create Preliminary Snapshot Correct any Errors District Assessment Coordinator Verify Roster against IEP Student meets participation requirements to for alternate standards and assessment (took CoAlt) This week, you should have completed your preliminary snapshot . The DAC is responsible for verifying that the roster is complete and correct. The first snapshot you will take is a January Preliminary Snapshot. It will serve two important purposes: 1) Create and verify the roster of testing students; correct any errors. Remember, the data we use is that the student is enrolled in the 11th Grade and that they are qualified to participate in alternate assessment. Check the file layout document for details about these two fields. 31
Edit Data Edit Data - Create student roster of eligible students 4/11/2018 Edit Data Edit Data - Create student roster of eligible students Compare and verify with ACT list. Make sure counselor, or person responsible for ACT, understands about the ACT with Accommodations and does not confuse that with the 11th Grade Alternate Assessment. DAC Being able to pull a roster of eligible test takers should give us excellent reliability in ensuring all students participate appropriately in the 11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT
Verify the Roster Here’s your roster! 4/11/2018 Again I remind you this is fictitious test data…. This list is compiled of students who are enrolled in 11th Grade and are eligible for alternate assessment. 33
Feb. 3-7 Order Materials on Webform 4/11/2018 Feb. 3-7 Order Materials on Webform District Assessment Coordinator Verify Roster= # needed Feb. 3-7 Order test materials from CDE on webform CLICK THIS LINK TO ORDER YOUR TEST PACKETS: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/11thgradealternatetestorderform NOTE: Be sure to put a shipping address where you want to receive the test packets. EVERY DISTRICT WILL SUBMIT AN ORDER—even if there are no students testing – enter a 0 EACH district will submit an order, whether you have any eligible 11th Graders testing or not. Let me repeat…..EVERY district will submit an order….. ZERO = no students testing NUMBER NEEDED: ______________ *(CDE will include one extra for emergency purposes.) If it is not used, it is to be destroyed April 25th. 34
Please Complete your order 4/11/2018 Order Test Packets CDE will print and distribute the test packets to DACs. We will move the mailing distribution window up a week earlier than this year to March 3-14 to accommodate Spring Break times. Be sure to include the SHIPPING ADDRESS where you want to receive the district shipment. Tests should be distributed one week prior to the opening of the testing window on April 1. Make sure all test administrators have been trained and distribute materials March 18-March 31st prior to the opening of the testing window. Failure to have the tests delivered to the test administrators in a timely fashion may constitute a misadministration. In fairness to Test Administrators and students, it is important that they be afforded the full testing window to complete the 36 performance tasks. Then when the testing window closes, the data entry window opens for the DAC to enter the student’s scores. Please Complete your order by Friday, feb. 7th!
You are welcome to call or email with questions! Linda Lamirande Accommodations & Assessment Senior Consultant Exceptional Student Services Unit Colorado Department of Education 303-866-6863 Lamirande_L@cde.state.co.us Datapipeline.support@cde.state.co.us This material was developed under a grant from the Colorado Department of Education. The content does not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Here is my contact information and website. I sincerely thank you for your time and wish you great success with the 11th Grade Alternate Assessment.
End of Year
End of Year will open early 2013-2014 End of Year will open February 24th We are working on making Identity Management groups available. Looking for volunteers to help work through issues smith_k@cde.state.co.us 303-866-6723 Please pilot the system 38
Important Dates for the 2013-14 Collection Regular Process Feb 24th – EOY 2013-14 opens for data submission June 5th – All districts create an End of Year snapshot. Snapshot must contain records. June 19th – All districts pass Student Interchange and Title I interchange level edits. Majority of data flows through to the snapshot. July 31st - All districts have clean snapshot with no errors September 11th – All districts submit their End of Year snapshots and approve initial Data Summary reports. This deadline is mandated under Colorado Administrative Rules.
Important Dates for the 2013-14 Collection Phase A Process September 29th through October 23rd – Cross LEA validation (reclaiming dropouts from prior collection years). If applicable, districts will be asked to participate in the Mini-Phase A post collection concerning transfers to facilities. Phase B Process October 30th through December 4th – Post Cross LEA validation (verifying transfers and dropouts within Colorado) If applicable, districts will be asked to participate in the Mini-Phase B post collection concerning transfers to facilities. Final Dates December 5th – 11th – Districts review final rates after AYG reconciliation. New sign off page required if rates changed. December 11th – Superintendents must approve final Data Summary Reports (collection closes) January 22nd, 2015 – Official/final data and rates posted on the CDE web site and released to the public
End of Year resources Transitioning website from ADE to Data Pipeline http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline Snapshots on left End of Year Direct link http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/snap_eoy 41
New Business Rules We are working on a couple of new rules but for now are checking on the following If you are claiming any funding status you need to have the following fields populated Pupil’s Attendance Information Disability Since EOY and December are combined in Interchange files zero-filled disability in Participation file is allowed because on EOY it happens for students found not eligible
BUGS 2862 DC018 2909 Staff Mode Contract AU 66050 AU needs to change the JCC 2909 Staff Mode Contract AU 66050 2907 Staff Mode Contract – not reporting accurate data Mode Contract Days appears right but Mode Hours isn’t calculating correctly 2159 Number of Students Reported by AGE/DIS/AU/Facility Attendance 2885 DC002 – AU reported all errors aren’t showing up BUT log shows only the one instance not 3 44
BUGS 2857 Special Education Directors and Child Find Coordinators Getting Left off report 2646 SE260 Modification to exempt exits before 12/1 Modified in ESSU IEP INTERCHANGE waiting on fix in DP 2769 Indicator 9 Percentage calculations – RESOLVED 45
February 5th Deadline Moved the date to Friday February 7th Date by which the Administrative Unit must have generated a Complete December Snapshot and Approved their data in Pipeline The following signed reports are due Student Data Validity Certification Report Staff Data Validity Certification Report If you think there is an error on the report please provide us with a message on the reports. Send the reports to Kristi Gleason email or fax 303-866-6888. 46
SUBMIT TO CDE You need the DEC Approval role in order to submit the files to CDE The files must be error free There is no form to download and sign off on Submitting to CDE is = to Approving If you need to make a change we will need to unlock the files 47
DUPLICATES We will start running duplicates Monday once everyone has submitted error free data to the Data Pipeline AUs will have from February 13th through February 20th to resolve all duplicates NEW THIS YEAR - AUs will be making the change It would really help us if you could go into IDM and add your phone number to your account if you haven’t already done so. 48
Just Keep Swimming http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7l_tFa4-5OM 49
Special Education Technical Assistance Helpful Hints If you have any questions or need assistance, please email the Data Pipeline Support Team Email: datapipeline.support@cde.state.co.us Additionally please email the data team. Gleason_k@cde.state.co.us; Heitman_l@cde.state.co.us; Bolger_o@cde.state.co.us; Baca_k@cde.state.co.us ; Vargas_S@cde.state.co.us In the subject line please provide the Administrative Unit Number and the District Code if applicable as well as the subject of your email. Please do not leave the same voice mail to more than one person or separate emails. We will respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible. Thank you 50
Contact Information DataPipeline.Support@cde.state.co.us – New method for us to better meet and record LEA needs Kristi Gleason 303-866-4620 – gleason_k@cde.state.co.us Lindsey Heitman 303-866-5759 – heitman@cde.state.co.us Orla Bolger 303-866-6296 – bolger_o@cde.state.co.us Kathy Baca 303-866-6989 - baca_k@cde.state.co.us Sonia Vargas 303-866-6649 – vargas_s@cde.state.co.us 51
Thank you for joining us today Thank you for joining us today! And to end this meeting with wise words from Dr. Seuss: Today is your day! You're off to Great Places! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes You can steer yourself any direction you choose. OH! THE PLACES YOU'LL GO! KID, YOU'LL MOVE MOUNTAINS! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way! Next Town Hall: February 13th