Uniform reminders ready for Year 8 and 9 Please listen carefully so that you start next year with the right uniform; making sure your first day is a positive one.
Shoes; these are just some examples; the next slide gives you full details. The footwear above are trainers and as such you are not allowed to wear in school.
Canvas Shoes Sturdy canvas shoes that are all black with laces are permitted. Please be aware that these shoes are a poor idea during the winter months as they do not provide protection from the wet and cold. I would prefer it if Year 8 and 9 students wore normal leather shoes. ish
Shoes Girls ‘Sensible’ shoes in plain black with reasonably large-based low heels, not above 2’’ when the measurement is taken at the back of the heel. Slingbacks or shoes without backs are considered dangerous and are, therefore, unacceptable. No fashion boots or walking boots, trainers, or plimsolls are allowed. Boys Plain black shoes - no fashion boots or walking boots, trainers or plimsolls/pumps.
Jewellery The wearing of jewellery is not permitted for safety and security reasons. This includes braided and beaded bands. One matching pair of small sleepers, maximum diameter 5mm, or plain stud earrings in the lobe of each ear is acceptable and boys may wear stud earrings. No other form of body piercing jewellery is permitted. If you have either of these piercings then you will need to have a flesh coloured or clear plastic retainer.
Nail varnish and nail/fashion extensions are not allowed Make-up and Nails Nail varnish and nail/fashion extensions are not allowed Discreet make-up is a privilege for Year 9, 10 and 11’s (Key Stage 4) only
Skirts Skirts should be plain black in a simple style, e.g. flared, straight or pleated, and should be within 8cm of the knee. Tight skirts, excessively long or short skirts, split skirts; ‘wrapovers’ or elaborate and decorative styles are not suitable.
Trousers Black school trousers, not tightly fitting and not denim, cords, chinos, jeans or jean type trousers. No design logos should be visible.
Coats Coats – outside jacket or coat style (plain in colour). Not sweatshirts or hooded tops.
Message for students Thanks for paying attention Message for students Thanks for paying attention. Please make sure you get your uniform right in September. I would be disappointed if my first conversation with you as your Year Leader was not a positive one. If you are unsure over the summer holiday check your logbook or the school website Thanks Mr Bryant