THE SHORT VERSIONS OF FLOW SCALES: RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY STUDY Emine ÇAĞLAR1, İhsan Sarı 2, Hülya Aşçı 3, Sue Jackson 4, Robert C. Eklund 5 1Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, 2Sakarya University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, 3Marmara University, School of Physical Education and Sport, 4University of Queensland, School of Human Movement Studies, 5Florida State University, Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to test the reliability and validity of short versions of the flow scales-dispositional and state- for Turkish athletes. The Long version of the scales was developed by Jackson and Eklund (2004) and adapted into Turkish culture by Aşçı et al. (2007). METHOD correlations among the four subscale Instruments Dispositional Flow Scale-2 (DFS-2) Short Version of Dispositional Flow Scale Sports Motivation Scale-SMS: Intrinsic motivation subscale was used. Situational Motivation Scale – SIMS: Intrinsic motivation and identified regulation subscales were used. Data Analysis Descriptive statistics Validity: The principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation and criterion related validity Reliability: Cronbach alpha Flow State Scale-2 (FSS-2) The Short Version of Flow State Scale 1st study (SFSS): 2nd study (SDFS): correlations among the four subscale Participants 1st study (Short Flow State Scale-SFSS) 174 female athletes (Mage = 19.71, SD = 3.23 years) (Mnumber of training per week = 5.03, SD = 2.43) 268 male athletes (Mage = 20.15, SD = 3.57 years) (Mnumber of training per week = 4.76, SD = 2.38) 2nd study (Short Dispositional Flow Scale- SDFS) 89 female athletes (Mage = 20.94, SD = 3.67 years) (Mnumber of training per week = 5.01, SD = 2.59) 208 male athletes (Mage = 21.93, SD = 3.72 years) (Mnumber of training per week = 5.19, SD = 2.56) RESULTS Short Flow State Scale Short Dispositional Flow Scale Items Factor loading SFSS2#5 0.80 SFSS2#4 0.78 SFSS2#6 SFSS2#3 0.77 SFSS2#1 0.69 SFSS2#9 0.68 SFSS2#8 0.54 SFSS2#7 0.53 SFSS2#2 0.43 Eigenvalue: 4.13 Total variance explained : 45.87 Correlation of short FSS with situational motivation and long FSS Short FSS Intrinsic motivation .32** Identified Regulation .38** Long FSS .76** ** p<.001 Cronbach's Alpha coefficient .84 Items Factor loading SDFS2#6 0.71 SDFS2#5 0.68 SDFS2#4 0.67 SDFS2#9 0.65 SDFS2#1 0.58 SDFS2#3 0.54 SDFS2#8 0.49 SDFS2#7 0.46 SDFS2#2 0.41 Eigenvalue: 3.07 Total variance explained : 34.16 Correlation of short DFSS with intrinsic motivation and long DFSS Short FSS Intrinsic motivation .48** Long DFSS .91** ** p<.001 Cronbach's Alpha coefficient .74 CONCLUSION These results support the reliability, construct and criterion related validity of Turkish version of short flow scales for athletic population.