Diane DiLorenzo Cosc 101 section 7 Biometric Devices Diane DiLorenzo Cosc 101 section 7
Outline Slide 3- definition Slide 4- uses Slide 5- characteristics Slide 6-used to read Slide 7- reading an eye Slide 8- today’s devices Slide 9-advanced devices in everyday life Slide 10-are the more advanced better? Slide 11-future Slide 12- bibliography Slide 13- Conclusion
What is a biometric device? is a device that reads a persons personal information
What do you use biometric devices for? Security situations
2 types of characteristics Physiological Anything related to the body Finger prints Face recognition DNA Hand print Eyes Behavioral Anything related to the behavior of a person -voice -signature
Biometric Devices are used to read Finger prints Palm prints DNA Voice recognition Eyes Physical Traits
The device scans the iris and retina How does it read an eye? The device scans the iris and retina
Today’s Biometric Devices Drivers Licenses Passport
Advanced types in everyday Life Tanning salons Banks Other Businesses
Why are the more advanced better? Harder to duplicate or imitate More personal
Scanning a finger print will be replacing credit cards. Future Scanning a finger print will be replacing credit cards.
Bibliography http://www.ehow.com/info_7998240_should-schools-use-biometric-devices.html http://www.ehow.com/about_5207655_biometric-devices_.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biometrics http://techbiometric.com/about-biometrics/biometric-devices/ http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-biometric-devices.htm
my thoughts biometric devices are used as a security option. Conclusion my thoughts biometric devices are used as a security option. my thoughts, I think it’s a very good technology advanced like this because now everyday activities will be more secure.