Y9 Plush Toy Unit
In order to achieve the standards set out in the curriculum, you are required to complete several tasks (CATs). When completed, these CATs make up a full unit of work and will be theory and prac based. Throughout the unit of work, you will follow the design process.
Throughout this unit of work you will gain knowledge, and develop your skills in the following: What Textiles are/How Textiles are made/How Textiles are decorated Researching and Investigating Sketching/Drawing/Designing Hand-Sewing and Machine-Sewing Template making (including marking out and measuring) Analysing and Evaluating Writing essays and annotations Planning and time-management
Brief You are to design and make a plush toy (misfit). You must follow the design process. CONSTRAINTS (MUST do): You must try and use fabrics/textiles which best suit your final design idea (where possible) You must create your plush toy by hand-sewing and machine-sewing Your final plush toy must have some type of decoration on it CONSIDERATIONS (YOUR choice): What will your final plush toy look like? What types of textiles/fabrics will you use? What techniques will you use to decorate your final plush toy?
CAT1 SKILLS Research and Investigation
CAT 1 Getting to know the basics! Research and answer the following questions in detail. Don’t forget to include images. What are textiles? Where do the following three textiles; Silk, Polyester and Cotton come from?
How are textiles made? Choose one of the following production methods to investigate; Spinning, Weaving, Knitting or Felting. How can textiles be decorated? Choose 1-2 of the following decorative techniques to investigate; Applique, Embroidery or Embellishment.
LINKS: USEFUL WEBSITE WHAT ARE TEXTILES? http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/media/services/thechildrensuniversityofmanchester/flash/whatare.swf HOW ARE TEXTILES MADE? http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/media/services/thechildrensuniversityofmanchester/flash/howmade.swf HOW ARE TEXTILES DECORATED? http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/media/services/thechildrensuniversityofmanchester/flash/howdecorated.swf
CAT2 SKILLS Research and Investigation Analysing existing products Forming opinions Writing annotations
CAT 2 Looking at existing products for inspiration! Find and select 3 existing products (plush toys) that you find inspirational. Analyse and annotate (write about) each design, writing in full sentences and in detail. You will need to comment on: Textiles/fabrics used: e.g. Cotton, Denim, Jersey, Canvas, Calico, Felt, Fleece Do the textiles used have a pattern?: e.g. Polka Dot, Striped, Geometric, Floral Texture of the textiles used: e.g. Rough, Smooth, Soft, Spikey, Scratchy, silky, Furry Describe colours used: e.g. Angry Red, Pastel Pink, Deep Purple, Sunset Orange Is the plush toy based on something in particular?: e.g. Cartoon Character, Film Character, Clown, Animal, Food Why you find the plush toy inspirational, and how it could influence your design ideas: e.g. you may choose a toy because you like the way it has a zip for a mouth, this may inspire you do something similar on your final plush toy Target Market (what age group does the toy suit): e.g. Toddlers, Babies, 5-6 Years, Adults, Teens Decorative techniques/embellishment: e.g. Embroidery, Buttons, Beads, Sequins, Applique Any other features: e.g. zips, hair, glass eyes, clothing, teeth USE THE HELP SHEETS (available on COMPASS or as hand-outs) .
CAT 2 EXISTING PRODUCTS: Research/Investigation/Analysing 1 2 3
CAT3 SKILLS Sketching and Drawing Generating design ideas Talking about and describing your design ideas with annotations
CAT 3: Generating design ideas for a plush toy! For this CAT, you will need to produce a design booklet…….ask your teacher for an A2 piece of paper so that you can create a booklet. You are required to come up with 6 designs in total, four original ideas and two preferred design options. Each one of your designs must be annotated with added colour, and you must explain the reasons behind your final design choices. ANNOTATIONS: What textiles/fabrics will you use?: e.g. Cotton, Denim, Jersey, Canvas, Calico, Felt, Fleece Does your design have any patterns on it?: e.g. Polka Dot, Striped, Geometric, Floral, zigzag What types of texture will your toy have?: e.g. Rough, Smooth, Soft, Spikey, Scratchy, Furry What colour fabric will you use?: e.g. Angry Red, Pastel Pink, Deep Purple, Sunset Orange Is your toy design based on something in particular?: e.g. Cartoon Character, Film Character, Clown, Animal, Food Target Market (what age group will your toy suit)?: e.g. Toddlers, Babies, 5-6 Years, Adults, Teens Does your design have any decorative techniques/embellishments on it?: e.g. Embroidery, Buttons, Beads, Sequins, Applique Any other features: e.g. zips, hair, glass eyes, clothing, teeth REMEMBER your design brief…… Your final plush toy must have some type of decoration on it
4 HEADS TO CHOOSE FROM 1 BODY OPTION CAT 3: Generating design ideas for a plush toy! These are the templates you may choose from. If you wish to design your own templates, discuss this option with your teacher. 4 HEADS TO CHOOSE FROM 1 BODY OPTION
FRONT COVER EXAMPLE EXAMPLE DESIGN IDEAS CAT 3: Generating design ideas for a plush toy! Don’t forget to create a front cover for your design booklet! FRONT COVER EXAMPLE EXAMPLE DESIGN IDEAS
CAT4 SKILLS Sketching and Drawing Measuring and marking out Template making /planning for production
CAT 4: PRAC preparation and planning……making templates! For this CAT, you will need to produce full size templates for your final plush toy design. Your final templates must be drawn on A2 draft paper. Before you can move onto your prac, your teacher must check that your templates are correct. DESIGN IDEA FULL SIZE TEMPLATE ON A2 PAPER
CAT 5: Make your final plush toy! For this CAT, you will need to make a final plush toy based on one of your final design options. You must have fully completed your design templates by this stage, and make sure you discuss your final design option with your teacher before getting started. REMEMBER your design brief…… You must try and use fabrics/textiles which best suit your final design idea (where possible) You must create your plush toy by hand-sewing and machine-sewing Your final plush toy must have some type of decoration on it
CAT6 SKILLS Research and Investigation Writing essays in paragraphs
CAT 6 Get to know the history of Paddington Bear! As part of your textiles design brief, you are required to produce a plush toy. The Paddington Bear is one of the most famous plush toys to be manufactured. You are to research and investigate Paddington Bear and write about your findings. You are also required to research the history of the teddy bear and when it was invented, presenting your findings in the form of an essay. sketch./Design Idea Plush Toy The following questions will help you to fully complete your essay: 1) Who is responsible for creating the Paddington Bear character, and what was the name of the very first book he published (featuring the bear)? 2) What inspired him to create the Paddington Bear character? 3) Who was responsible for creating sketches for the original Paddington Bear books, and are there any other illustrators? 4) What type of bear is Paddington based on? 5) Who was responsible for making the very first Paddington Bear plush toy, and what was the name of the manufacturing business she founded? 6) Are there any other companies/manufacturers that had permission to produce Paddington Bear plush toys? 7) In the Paddington Bear story books, he does not wear wellington boots. Explain the story behind the boots. 8) Paddington Bear plush toys vary in price, what is the approximate cost of an authentic Paddington Bear?
9) Why is there a price difference depending on who manufactured the plush toy? 10) Research the history of the ‘teddy bear’ and write about your findings. You could also think about the following: > How bears are manufactured > Raw materials/fabrics used to make them USEFUL WEBSITES https://www.paddington.com/ http://www.thepaddingtoncollective.com/about-gabrielle-designs/ http://britmovietours.com/bookings/paddington-bear-tour-london/ http://biography.jrank.org/pages/1131/Bond-Thomas-Michael-1926.html http://www.madehow.com/Volume-3/Teddy-Bear.html http://teddy-bear-artists.com/tbhistory.htm
CAT7 SKILLS Analysing and evaluating your own work and behaviour Forming an opinion and reflecting on things Writing
CAT 7: So…….how do you feel? For this CAT, you will need to write about (evaluate) how you feel when it comes to your finished unit of work. You will also need to reflect on and write about your behaviour, and overall attitude towards learning. Your teacher has created a set of evaluation questions for you to complete (available on COMPASS or as a hand-out). THINK about……….. Have I ever been late to class? Do I always have the equipment I need (including shoes)? Do I use my class time well? What is my behaviour like………am I respectful? Do I make an effort to catch up with my work when I have had time off? Do I complete follow-up learning tasks? Do I always complete work to the best of my ability? Do I make sure the classroom is left in a tidy state?