Pax Romana Religious Tolerance
Religious Tolerance To Jews in Jerusalem Pax Romana Religious Tolerance To Jews in Jerusalem “just keep the peace” For years Jews died while refusing to bow down and worship other gods (10 commandments) – Including the emperor…they came to an unspoken agreement…just stay quiet and we will not force you to worship the Emperor
Divisions of Judaism Pharisees – Sadducees – Common Jew – the most meticulous observers of the ancestral law Most Jews were prepared to accept that claim Sadducees – Sadducees did not believe in the authoritative nature of the ancestral laws Sadducees were more Hellenized and less traditional a great deal of following among the well-to-do and among the priestly classes Common Jew – Plain simple folk: observe the Sabbath, who observe the holidays, the festivals, who go with the pilgrimage to temple, who observe the Jewish food laws, the Jewish rituals, believe in the Jewish God, follow the ways by which to make the life holy, follow the dictates of the Torah in a kind of simple plain way, The Jews did not “kill Jesus”. The common Jew was just a member of society. Roman Law and a few Jewish political leaders led the trials against Jesus.
Divisions of Judaism Essenes – Zealots – the Jews of Qumran, the Dead Sea Scrolls separated themselves from the community Zealots – Began by Judas of Galilee ** Included the Sicarii and other revolutionaries "We must destroy the Roman Empire or we must destroy Jews who cooperate with the Roman Empire. We will kill all collaborators, no King but God," **Josephus the Historian Looking for a “Messiah”
Descendant of King David Recruited 12 apostles a “person sent forth”
Believed in Jewish Tradition One God Accepted 10 Commandments Defended the Prophets
Oh – oh…
Called himself the Son of God Politically, “son of God” was equal to Emperor
Called himself the Son of God Religious issue, “son of God” meant more than one god
Called himself the Son of God Proclaimed Spiritual Salvation
Called himself the Son of God Proclaimed Spiritual Salvation Eternal Life
Some believed he was the Messiah Called himself the Son of God Proclaimed Spiritual Salvation Eternal Life Some believed he was the Messiah
Both Jewish Leaders and Roman Authority felt threatened Afraid of Zealot’s “Messiah”
Both Jewish Priests and Roman Authority felt threatened Crucified on Cross not uncommon…most Roman Death Sentences were on the cross
Both Jewish Priests and Roman Authority felt threatened Crucified on Cross According to Tradition: Left his tomb U.S. celebrates Christmas…most of eastern Christian world celebrate Easter as most important Holiday.
Three Major Forms Ebonites - Jewish – Christian Gnostics – Greek word for Knowledge Denied Jewish belief and old testament as a whole Pauline Christianity – Spread Christianity to Gentiles (non-Jews)
Destruction of Jerusalem (70 AD) Zealot Revolt 1,000,000 people were killed during the siege majority were Jewish 97,000 were captured and enslaved “…Men and women, old and young, insurgents and priests, those who fought and those who entreated mercy, were hewn down in indiscriminate carnage. The legionaries had to clamber over heaps of dead to carry on the work of extermination."
Destruction of Jerusalem Nazarenes Separated themselves from Judaism Elected a Gentile (Marcus) to lead them Allowed them to exist in Roman Empire….
All People – Jew, Gentile, Slave, etc Written in Greek and Latin Comfort in Message of Love
Peter established a church in Rome
Paul Vision to preach to the Gentiles Traveled from Mesopotamia to Rome
They refused to bow to other gods as the Jews Persecution Unspoken pact with Jews – Growing Christian numbers were a problem They refused to bow to other gods as the Jews
Claims a vision: Put the cross before his army Emperor Constantine Claims a vision: Put the cross before his army
Legalized Christianity Emperor Constantine Edict of Milan 313 AD Legalized Christianity Counsil of Nicaea Defined Christianity Unified Roman Empire
Emperor Theodosius Declared Christianity official religion of Roman Empire February 27, 380 A.D.