ŠABLONA 32 VY_32_INOVACE_06_25_Europe
Europe Anotace : Prezentace může sloužit jako výkladové a opakovací učivo Autor: Mgr. Daniela Hamplová, BcA. Jazyk: Anglický jazyk Očekávaný výstup: poskytnout základní informace o Evropě a upevnit slovní zásobu názvů evropských států Speciální vzdělávací potřeby: dataprojektor, interaktivní tabule Klíčová slova: Evropa, Evropská unie Druh učebního materiálu: prezentace Druh interaktivity: aktivita Cílová skupina: žák Stupeň a typ vzdělávání: základní vzdělávání – druhý stupeň Typická věková skupina: 12 – 15 let
Europe as a continent This continent consists of 45 states. It is joined to Asia and altogether they are called Eurasia. Its surface is about 290 metres(on average) above the sea level. The European Union is the most important political and economic organization and its currency is euro, which was accepted by many member countries with strong economy.
Europe at night, satellite photograph
The South There are situated countries such as Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal in the subtropical south of Europe . On one hand these countries are considered to be economically advanced and therefore are part of G8. On the other hand they are dependent on tourism, which is growing in the coastal areas, especially during the summer holidays.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
The North The northern countries are Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania as well as Island. These countries are mainly economically advanced and deal with their natural resources in harmony with the environment. The weather and climatic conditions make the people live in the south of the countries.
Budapest, Hungary
The surface is formed by iceberg landmass, you can see deep valleys and lakes, numerous fiords and wetlands. The favourite tourist activities are fishing, hiking and cycling. Long and cold winters have a huge impact on the life of the population.
Berlin, Germany
The West Great Britain, Ireland and France are situated in the west of Europe. The states are under the influence of the Atlantic ocean so the climate is wet-oceanic like. All of them are part of the EU, economically and politically strong countries.
London, UK
Benelux The leaders of not only the european but also the world economy are Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands. The density of population in this area is the highest in Europe and the countries of Benelux became the most advanced systems of the EU because of the most intensive agriculture and the economy. The capital of Belgium – Bruxelles – is the base of EU and NATO.
Central Europe Germany, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Czech Republic form the centre of Europe. The surface is diverse, some of the states are coastal and some are inland. As a result of the previous political regime there are sharp differences among the countries, especially western and eastern.
South – East Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Albania are the south-eastern countries of Europe. There is mainly inland but also coastal climate. These countries are the least developed in Europe and the political and financial systems are unstable, partly because of the war in the 90´s.
The East European part of Russia, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine are the unifying and also the dividing border in the East of Europe. Belarus and Ukraine are huge but the most problematic states too. The Belarus political situation is the worst in Europe, it is the last totalitarian regime.
Sources / Zdroje DEMEK, J., MALIŠ I., Zeměpis pro 6.-7.ročník ZŠ. SPN, Praha: 2000. ISBN 80-7235-003-X http://traveling-piont.blogspot.com/2011/02/eiffel-tower-paris-france.html [4.1.2012] http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2008/08/london_from_above_at_night.html [4.1.2012] http://travelpedia.webnode.cz/album/evropa1/braniborska-brana-nemecko-berlin-jpg/ [4.1.2012] http://travelpedia.webnode.cz/images/200000564-e0abce1a3b-public/budapest_most.jpg [4.1.2012]
http://maps.travelblog.net/pix/maps/ [4.1.2012] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Europa-bei-nacht_1-1024x768.jpg [4.1.2012] http://www.orangesmile.com/booking/en/netherlands/amsterdam.htm [4.1.2012]
Paris, France