HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus- gradual deterioration of bodies immune function Over time reduces the body’s effectiveness to fight disease
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome- complete failure of immune system to fight disease Cancers and infections take over the body and results in death of that individual
Scope of HIV/AIDS HIV- first identified in 1983 Research confirmed contaminated blood in blood banks as early as late 70’s CDC (Center for Disease Control)- reports over 600,000 cases of AIDS and almost 400,000 deaths among people living with AIDS in the United States as of June 1997.
AIDS population U.S. AGE- 25 to 44, AIDS is the second leading killer in the country Despite stabilization in numbers, AIDS continues to increase among woman and injection drug users
AIDS Worldwide Estimated 30.6 million people were living with AIDS as of December 1997. More than 75 percent of all adult HIV infections have resulted from heterosexual intercourse.
Myths about HIV/AIDS