Partner Billing and Reporting
Billing Timeline
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Metering & Billing
Cloud Metering & Billing Overview Cloud Usage is measured using the following different elements: CPU Hours Additional Public IP Address Hours RAM Hours Sub-Administrator Hours Storage Hours (across all three storage tiers) Software Units Network Hours Cloud Backup hours (across all three service levels) Inbound Bandwidth (GB)* Cloud Files Accounts* Outbound Bandwidth (GB) Cloud Files (GB Days) * = Not used for billing Public IaaS Private IaaS clients aren’t billed according to these metrics but the system tracks these elements on each of the accounts they set up for chargeback purposes. Most of these elements have charges associated for Public IaaS clients. Dimension Data does not bill for inbound bandwidth or Cloud Files Accounts. Usage data can be exported in either .csv or .xml file format using the Vendor Admin UI.
Account-level Usage Tracking Vendor (Private MCP) An Account represents a set of users with a common set of virtual assets. These assets are then tracked together for usage/billing/chargeback purposes A Public MCP client represents a single “account” They are billed based on all the assets associated with this account A Private MCP or Service Provider client is a “vendor” who can create an unlimited number of “accounts” underneath them If vendor allows Public MCP usage, they are billed based on the aggregate Public MCP usage of all their accounts Account usage allows them to chargeback usage at the account level Account Account Primary Admin Primary Admin Sub Admin Sub Admin Sub Admin Sub Admin
Cloud Servers and Images Cloud Server usage is tracked based on two key factors: Configuration (vCPU/RAM/Storage) Whether the Cloud Server is running or stopped These factors drive three pricing elements which correspond directly to the resources utilized by the Cloud Servers CPU Hours – For each hour a Cloud Server is running, it generates CPU Hours equal to the number of vCPU: 2 vCPU server running for 2 hours = 4 CPU Hours RAM Hours – For each hour a Cloud Server is running, it generates RAM Hours equal to the GB of RAM: 8 GB RAM server running for 2 hours = 16 RAM Hours Storage Hours – For each hour a Cloud Server exists (whether running or stopped), it generates Storage Hours equal to the GB of Storage (OS and Local Storage): 10 GB OS plus 25 GB Local Disk server running for 2 hours = 70 Storage Hours Customer Images are never running, so they only generate Storage Hours
Cloud Networks Cloud Network usage is tracked based on two key factors: Number of networks deployed Traffic In/Out of Network (regardless of destination) These factors drive four pricing elements which correspond directly to the resources utilized by the Cloud Networks Network Hours – For each hour a Cloud Network exists (whether it has servers deployed on it or not), it generates a Network Hour: 2 Cloud Networks deployed for 2 hours = 4 Network Hours Outbound Bandwidth (GB) – All traffic leaving the Cloud Network – even if it’s coming from another Cloud Network or from Cloud Files. Inbound Bandwidth (GB) – All traffic entering the Cloud Network – even if it’s coming from another Cloud Network or from Cloud Files Additional Public IP Address Hours – If additional Public IP blocks are added to a Cloud Network, they generate Public IP Address Hours for each additional IP: 4 additional IP’s for 2 hours = 8 Public IP Hours However, the public IP’s provisioned by default on a Cloud Network are NOT tracked.
Additional Elements Tracked Sub-Administrator Hours – For each hour a Sub-Administrator exists, it generates a Sub-Administrator Hour Cloud Files Account Hours – For each hour a Cloud Files Account exists, it generates a Cloud Files Account Hour. Cloud Files Storage (GB Days) – Once per day, the system identifies the amount of GB storage stored in the Cloud Files account. That storage becomes the “Cloud Files (GB Days)” usage for that account for that day: 10 GB of storage stored for 5 days = 50 Cloud Files (GB Days) BaaS (Cloud Backup-as-a-Service) – Cloud Backup usage for each Cloud Server. Fees per Cloud Server = Plan Fees + Usage Fees. Plan Fees = The rate per day per Cloud Server based on the Cloud Backup plan in use multiplied by the number of days (or part) in the month the plan was used on that Cloud Server. Usage Fees = The rate per GB Days based on the Cloud Backup plan in use multiplied by the Backend Storage consumed multiplied by the number of days (or part) in the month the plan was used on that Cloud Server. "Backend Storage" means amount of storage (in GB) stored in the Cloud Backup Network used by the backup system for a particular Cloud Server. The storage requirement for a Cloud Server is a function of the size of the Cloud Server, the retention period selected and the amount of daily change on that Cloud Server. The Storage consumed is calculated after compression and de-duplication. Note: Cloud Files is available only in the North America (does not apply to other Regions)
Multi-Location & Multi-Geography Multi-Location - For usage within the same Geographic Region (i.e. US-East and US-West in North America): Usage totals for an account within a given location are rounded up to the nearest integer at the end of each day. Example: if at the end of a day, Server 1 used 2.2 CPU Hours and Server 2 used 2.1 CPU Hours, the total is 4.3 CPU Hours and the system will round that to 5 CPU Hours for that Location For Public MCP usage, The rounded total usage from different data centers is simply added together. For example, if I end the day with 22.2 CPU Hours in US-East and 22.2 CPU Hours in US-West, each data center is rounded to 23 CPU Hours and the customer is billed for 46 CPU Hours Multi-Geography - For Public MCP in different Geographic Regions, the usage is not added together – each Geographic Region is totalled, rounded, and billed separately at different rates Note this means that a Public MCP customer has to sign up for a separate “plan” (even if it’s just “Pay-As-You-Go) for each Geographic Region
Summary Usage Reporting – Account Level Usage summaries can be generated for each Account through the Admin UI or API, which provides a view of the daily usage in each data center in the Geographic Region: Reports are generated starting at midnight local time of the primary data center in the Geographic Region. In some regions, it may take a few hours before reports are generated for all clients Private MCP customers who also have Public MCP service will see usage for all available locations in these reports
Detailed Usage Reporting – Account Level CloudControl provides the most detailed usage reporting available in any competing Cloud service, identifying each asset’s status during the day and how it contributes to the overall usage number: By day (i.e. server stopped, upgrade from 2 CPU to 4 CPU), an additional row of data is provided to identify the exact time of the usage-impacting change. For all other assets, a single row is provided summarizing the usage associated with that asset.
Administrator Log Reporting – Account level CloudControl provides extensive account-level audit logging, identifying any action taken against the account’s assets through CloudControl UI/API: If the asset is a Cloud Server, at least one row per day is provided. If the server status changes during the day (i.e. server stopped, upgrade from 2 CPU to 4 CPU), an additional row of data is provided to identify the exact time of the usage-impacting change. For all other assets, a single row is provided summarizing the usage associated with that asset.
Summary Usage Tracking is performed at the “Account” level, which represents a set of common Cloud Networks and Servers controlled by a Primary Administrator CloudControl tracks separate usage elements for each account Account administrators can access extensive and detailed reporting on both usage and administrative actions within their account