2016-03-07 Flash Test By Nikolas Hermanns
Way is flash_test needed Most setups do not follow the namespace hacking on the neutron server to access the vms. Some setups do not follow neutron public IP concepts or do not have it yet In tempest only one server at a time can have a public IP. No convenient way to access the hypervisor
OpenStack Controller Compute rally ssh Tempest Flash-Test 2016-03-07 Start – VMs, Networks, etc. OpenStack Controller Compute Get OS info Access the hosts Virtual-switch command rally ssh Execute virsh command to access the VM Tempest Flash-Test
The Openstack way to connect VM OS_controller Hypervisor net-namespace ovs ovs Neutron-net
SSH Connectivity VM with userdata Flash_test virsh Br-flash-test IP-Address: 10.20.19.x Nikos Birthday VM with userdata Flash_test virsh Internal bridge Br-flash-test SSH-Tunnel OS_controller Hypervisor SSH-Tunnel jump jump Flash_test need only connectivity to the OS_controller
Config env: cloud_deployer: fuel hypervisor_ssh_user: root nodes: main_controller: address: user: root test_vm: user: cirros password: 'cubswin:)'