Daijona Revell Black Lives Matter
What are the Police Training Procedures? In “Black Lives Matter: A commentary on Racism and Public Health”, created by Jennifer Jee-Lyn Garcia, with the Department of Health Sciences at California State University helps me to gain background knowledge on the affects of police brutality and how it has an affect on the people in the specific community Garcia states that we are all victims of police brutality due to the idea that it is our brothers and our family members getting hurt and that it affects the communities health and well-being specifically due to the analyzed, horrendous acts of the injustice of police brutality. Police brutality doesn't’t just affect the victim, it affects the family as well as the community. Criminology and Criminal Justice professor, Edward R. Maguire, in his book “Criminal Justice Theory: Explaining the Nature and Behavior of Criminal Justice”, he helps me to argue theories as to WHY police officers target a specific demographic through a sociological, psychological, and a political scientist standpoint. These factors that contribute to the “cause” of police brutality can help give insight to the detriments of the governmental, administrative, managerial, and policy reforms. When we look at the various incidences that policemen go through on a daily basis, what incidences are necessary for motivation for a gun and a trigger to be pulled? Lawrence Sherman is an experimental criminologist and police educator who created “evidence based policing.” This source contributes to the background knowledge of my topic since it teaches policemen ethics for murder. Killing is one of the consequences of being a police officer but when is it necessary to actually pull the trigger? Lawrence sates that there are two ways police learns ethics; morally, and through peer pressure.
Sources “Black Lives Matter: A Commentary on Racism and Public Health” This source contributes to the police violence of the unarmed black men community and tells how it affects the health and wellbeing of colored people. This source helps me to argue this significant problem of whether it is ethical to murder the unarmed victims since they are not the only ones affected by the injustice of police brutality. I wonder what actions lead to the pulling of a gun and shooting anybody when it comes to the justice system. This is a real problem due to the fact that a gun is not necessary in each case; this should be the last resort. Criminal Justice Theory: Explaining the Nature and Behavior of Criminal Justice: This source contributes to the topic of police brutality, but it tells the root cause of the problem and actually WHY it happens. This is important for the development of my paper if I can find the root of the problem. This source speaks of theories through a sociological, psychological, and a political scientist standpoint of why policemen are motivated to kill. It gives information specificity as well as knowledge necessary to further the efficiency of my paper.
Sources Learning Police Ethics Lawrence Sherman is an experimental criminologist and police educator who created “evidence based policing.” This source contributes to the background knowledge of my topic since it teaches policemen ethics for murder. Killing is apart of being a police officer but when is it necessary to actually pull the trigger? Lawrence sates that there are two ways police learns ethics; morally, and through peer pressure.
Should we monitor the media and censor what can be put online? As we know and understand, the media today, whether it’s social media or a news article, has the power to persuade and manipulate an audience into believing information based off persuasion and personal experience. In “Media Matters: Race and Gender in the U.S Politics abstract”, media scholar and University of Wisconsin professor John Fiske source helps me argue the media source of my subtopic and helps me understand that media affects people as well as has the opportunity to manipulates us through misconstrued evidence. Due to the misconstrued evidence, the media has opportunity to tear us down as a nation; it can detriment us by targeting a specific group of people, leave us questioning if something is true, as well as lead us to believe falsified information. She provides an argumentative source on how past research and information can help lead people to understand credibility in the new media environment; primarily on Web-based information. This source also gives information about source reliability, the message from the source, and the media credibility to help researchers and other users to culminate advanced source credibility. According to president of VCU, Michael Rao, Ph.D, states that if we believed everything we saw on the internet, many things would be changed in today’s world; women nor young people would be able to vote because “they aren’t capable of such responsibility”, and “young people can’t make a concrete decision on an entree”.
Sources “Media Matters: Race and Gender in the U.S Politics abstract” John Fiske is a media scholar who was a professor of Communications at University of Wisconsin. This source contributes to the argumentative media source of my subtopic and helps me understand the media and its affects towards people as well as has the opportunity to manipulates us through misconstrued evidence. Due to the misconstrued evidence, the media has opportunity to tear us down as a nation; it can detriment us by targeting a specific group of people, leave us questioning if something is true, as well as lead us to believe falsified information. Miriam J Metzger has a solution to this problem of understanding source credibility.
Sources Credibility for the 21st Century: Integrating Perspectives on Source, Message, and Media Credibility in the Contemporary Media Environment Miriam J Metzger is a Communication and Information technologies professor at University of California: Santa Barbara. This is an argumentative source on how past research and information can help lead people to understand credibility in the new media environment; primarily on Web- based information. This source also gives information about source reliability, the message from the source, and the media credibility to help researchers and other users to culminate advanced source credibility.
Solutions There can never be justice without racial equality. Karishma Furtado, a doctoral student in the Brown School’s Public Health Sciences Program, speaks about the solutions of racial inequalities. This source helps me argue that nothing can be done nor can justice be reached without racial equality. This was written after the injustice on Michael Brown Jr. in Ferguson Missouri. Since she represents public health, she thinks about how racial inequality can lead to public health to move beyond programmatic solutions to policy solutions. It provides solutions to the racial injustice of the world as well as gives perspective from other races other than African Americans. Once racial equality is able to be attained, Barbara Ransby, a professor of African American studies and history, says that we can attain other things such as economics and growth. Everything that is equal begins with racial equality; this is one solution to ensuring it equality in everything else. Radio talk show host, Joe Madison, at the Wilder Symposium said that “education is key, educated families, we must become great! Black America needs to take the knowledge obtained from the schools, bring them to the homes, to the streets, to the churches, etc. because we can’t make a change without looking at the past. It won’t be racial segregation, it will be educated segregation”. Change begins is the institutions and we need to make sure our students are “woke” to the situations going on. There is no perseverance without knowledge.
Sources “The Class Politics of Black Lives Matter” Barbara Ransby is a professor of African American studies and history and director of the Gender and Women’s Studies Program at University of Illinois. This source speaks about the concerns of the Black Lives Matter movement and explains that this is a confrontational and bold movement as the population begins to grow and more people become involved. This source gives background knowledge about the justice and how we can reach equality on the subject. She states, “There can be no real economic justice without racial justice.” Everything that is equal begins with racial equality.
Sources “A Research Agenda for Racial Equality: Applications of the Ferguson Commission Report to Public Health” Karishma Furtado is a doctoral student in the Brown School’s Public Health Sciences Program. This source speaks about the solutions of racial inequalities. It was written after the injustice on Michael Brown Jr. in Ferguson Missouri. Since she represents public health, she thinks about how racial inequality can lead to public health to move beyond programmatic solutions to policy solutions. It provides solutions to the racial injustice of the world as well as gives perspective from other races other than African Americans.