Anatomy and physiology of nervous system Katrin Gross-Paju
Basis for understanding nervous system diseases Neurological symptoms=location of brain damage How do you determine the cause/disease? Course Acute onset Progressive Investigations Visualisation Anatomy Modern possibilties Neurophysiology Genetic studies Treatments
Diagnostic process – what brain region? Symptoms Signs
Brain and skull
Motor functions Voluntary movements Damage Weakness Total weakness - paralysis Very mild weakness - paresis
Movement coordination Too little movements Parkinson´ disease Too many movements involuntary Taalamus Nucl caudatus Globus pallidus Putamen Subst nigra Nucl ruber
Cerebellum: balance and coordination Balance and coordination problems
Dominant hemisphere – speech problems
Autonomous nervous system
Autonomous nervous system: III VII, IX X S2 S4
Tilt test Vähemalt 5 min enne testi algust lamada. Vaikne ruum. Sümptomite tekkimisel pt lastakse algasendisse. Vererõhku mõõdetakse lamades ja 1 minut peale püstitõusmist või vertikaliseerimist. 60-80 kraadise nurga alla. 1minutiga enamasti patsientidel kel ortostaasi talumatsu, tekib OH, aga edasine jälgimine aitab selgitada seisundi tõsidust – vererõhu edasist langust Kui koos OH-ga esineb reflektoorne tahhükardia, siis ei saa välistada et OH on tekkinud sekundaarselt hüpovoleemia tõttu. Kui tahhükardiat ei ole, siis autonoomne häire
Postural ortostatic tachycardia syndrome
Paradoxical drop of blood pressure
Clinical symptoms Older age Falls Dizzeness when standing
Methods of investigation
Complaints, signs, disease history
Disease by history Headache
Computed tomography - CT X-ray Emergency situation
CT brain
Traumatic brain injury
Stroke – intracerebral hemorrhage BROTT ET AL 1997 Yu Yl et al. Stroke 1992 Poungvarin N et al. NEJM 1987 Mendelow AD et al. Lancet 2005, MAYER ET AL 2005
Stroke – ischaemic stroke ND 24.01 2007 30.01 2007
Magnet-resonance tomography Magnetic field 1,5 T 3 T
Normal brain
Acute stroke Flairis nähtamatu
Diagnosis: demyelinating disease KT-s nähtamatu
Prognosis: Demyelinating diseases
SPE(C)T – dopamine transporter Diseases affecting dopamine transport
Impact of a neurological disease
Extensive brain damage – PML JC virus induced brain damage in HIV
treatments Disease course modifying treatments (cure) Symptom control Limited to autoimmune diseases Symptom control Parkinson`s disease Genetic diseases Exact cause – no treatment