Weekly Wednesday Webinar 03.16.2016
AIR Help Desk Zac Sweeny
Data Privacy & Assessment: A Brief Overview West Virginia Department of Education Office of Research, Accountability, and Data Governance
Your Role as Data Stewards Accuracy Timeliness Usability Security
Privacy Regulations FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) WVBE Policy 4350 (Procedures for the Collection, Maintenance, and Disclosure of Student Data) Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act (Student DATA Act, W. Va. Code §18-2-5h) WVDE Data Access & Management Guidance
Privacy & Rostering Roster process must be careful, precise Teachers are not entitled to see assessment-related information for all students Overly broad access may constitute a breach of student privacy Teachers must only have access to students for whom they have a direct responsibility
Questions? Georgia Hughes-Webb Jeff Pitchford Dr. Andy Whisman Data Governance Manager ghugheswebb@k12.wv.us 304-588-7881 Jeff Pitchford Data Governance Specialist jeffrey.pitchford@k12.wv.us 304-588-7881 Dr. Andy Whisman Executive Director, ORAD swhisman@k12.wv.us 304-588-7881 Help Desk zoomwv@help.k12.wv.us 304-588-7881 wvde.state.wv.us/zoomwv/
Technology Updates
Android 5+ Keyboard is not functioning properly with the secure browser AIR is fixing the issue AIR is releasing version 2.1 to the store Users of 5+ should upgrade Users of 4 may upgrade, but not required Released to store
Student Data
Student Information Student information Transfer students Non-reenrolled students are not removed March 18, 2016 Afternoon Students removed from TIDE March 19, 2016 Morning data run Students added to TIDE
Where does the data in Accommodation 14 come from? Online IEP- picks up the last finalized IEP English Language Learners-LEP- WOW application Section 504- tagging student as 504 in WVEIS and select accommodations in the WOW application SAT plan- tagging student as SAS in WVEIS and select supports in the WOW application
Missing Students in Accommodations 14 Application Check WOW in STU.301 Must be Assigned Must be Enrolled Enrollment Change can take 24-48 hours to be visible in TIDE
Missing Accommodations Check ACCM.14 All students with plans should be viewable and correct. If not, identify the issue until the student displays correctly. What kind of plan type? Four different plans Determine which plan Determine effective date (2015-16)
Students with IEP Within Online IEP System Check for Finalized IEP Verify the service year is 2015-2016 academic year Make necessary amendments Check Accommodation Listings Within Green Screen (PWVS3021) Must be Un-Duplicated [U] Must be Un-Exited Assigned District Verify in ACCM.14 Must be viewable in application prior to TIDE upload
504 Students Student tagged with 504 in STU.301 Green Screen Testing with accommodation? (Y/N) = Y Accommodation codes added Make sure to press enter to add new record Verify in ACCM.14 *These students will not be on alternate assessment.
SAT Plan Students with SAT are tagged “SAS” in STU.301 Use SAS.ACCM Select Accommodations and save changes Verify in ACCM.14 *These students will not be on alternate assessment.
ELL Plan STU.301 – ELL tab Verify student receiving services Add accommodations Save changes Verify in ACCM.14 * These students will not be on alternate assessment.
Student/Accommodation Edits Direct all calls/emails to WVDE
Student/Accommodation Edits CASE County Code School Code SSID WVDE Notification Date - MM/DD/YYYY AIR Notification Date - MM/DD/YYYY Resolution Date - MM/DD/YYYY Explanation/Notes - (Please include dates AIR contacted to resolve issue) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
General Summative Assessment
General Assessment West Virginia General Summative Assessment ELA Grades 3-11 Math Science Grades 4, 6 and 10
WVDE Help Desk WV Help Desk information WVGSA@help.k12.wv.us All summative testing questions emailed to WVDE
T09 T09 required Student has an accommodation requiring a separate setting One to one setting T09 NOT required Scheduling students for testing and no student needs one on one testing For example, scheduling long testers together would not require the use of T09. Please Note: DO NOT group students together based on exceptionalities.
WVBE 2340 - Family 3.17.f. may not administer WV-MAP assessments to family members. 3.17.f.1 Decisions regarding other potential conflicts of interests involving test administration will be the responsibility of the district coordinators.
Lunch Breaks Testing may be paused for lunch, if testing extends into student’s lunch time. Students should Review answers before taking lunch break Be sequestered from other students Eat lunch quietly Continue testing after lunch
Materials During Testing Student should work quietly on activity completing the test. Must not be related to content area test Should be educational in nature
Test Security Incident Log
Test Security Incident Log
P35 – Tactile Graphics P35 Braille Online Fixed Math (ELA-adaptive) NEW CODE This is NOT available for grades 9th and 10th. As a reminder for the other grades choosing this option, please make sure the online IEP is amended. Change of P35 from uncontracted braille to Braille Online Fixed Math (ELA-adaptive).
DEI LP and Braille DEI Interface used by scribes to enter student responses Replica of the student tests same confirmation screens Familiar with navigation tools using practice test Scribe will log in with TIDE username/password All scribing rules must be followed
EDI LP and Braille EDI Interface used by scribes to enter student responses Replica of the student tests same confirmation screens Working with AIR to establish demo site Familiar with navigation tools using practice test Scribe will log in with TIDE username/password Will have user guide
TIDE LP and Braille Additional Orders TAB now operational Shipping dates will be provided in near future Two shipments Counties with earlier testing windows Counties with later testing windows
TIDE LP and Braille Can place multiple additional orders Additional orders - ship end of March During testing - ship daily
Accommodations Not in TIDE but in Accoms.14 – WVDE/AIR Not in Accoms.14 – County Verify accommodations work Have student take practice test Have student take interim test
R The Letter R R is for Roster R is for Results R is for ORS R is not for Testing There is no R in Testing A Roster is NOT needed for Test Administration
R The Letter R R is only for the WVGSA, interims and diagnostics.
Homebound Remind principals of the importance of testing homebound students Should be tested at school of record Unless approval granted by WVDE
School Test Dates End testing window Calendar adjustment Last day of instruction Calendar adjustment Due April 4th Schools should stay within Elementary and Middle schools 25 WVGSA Days + 5 Make-up Days High Schools 5 CCR Days + 25 WVGSA Days + 5 Make-up Days
Science Assessment Science Item Development Grade level on form and subjects taught in high school Please remember to submit you nomination forms ASAP for teacher participation in further science assessment endeavors
Home-Instructed Validation Code for requesting Assessment ID is WVGSA16 Students processed prior to March 7 are in TIDE Weekly upload of students Starting March 21 Questions or concerns Email jperdue@k12.wv.us
Home-Instructed Students testing as a Home-Instructed student use Assessment ID Public school student after registering for an Assessment ID use WVEIS
Parent Letter/Brochure Shipments complete WVGSA are in stacks of 500 Posted to portal Parent Letter Emailed to District Test Coordinators
WVGSA and DLM 326 Shipment Wednesday, March 16, 2016 FedEx Sorted by grade level Forms Extra forms included in shipment Questions and additional forms Call or email Marlena mdmullins@k12.wv.us
Policy 2340 All trained individuals must sign the current security agreement One page Appendices posted to portal
Training Materials Training Materials Located on one drive/folder December 8, 2015
Key Events 3:00 Webinars Large Print and Braille Test Booklets Monday, March 14, 2015 Same call in and viewing link as WWW Large Print and Braille Test Booklets Two shipments Notified of your county’s shipping date
WVDE Building 7 – Capitol Room Monday 03.21.2016 DTC Meeting WVDE Building 7 – Capitol Room Monday 03.21.2016
Questions ?
Embedded Designated Supports and Accommodations Students may access and practice testing with the following embedded designated supports and accommodations in the interim tests Text to Speech (P01) Text to Speech, including ELA reading passages (P13) Braille Online Adaptive- Braille Embosser (ELA & Math) (P35) and (P17)
Text to Speech (P01) Text to Speech, including ELA reading passages (P13) Braille Online Adaptive (ELA & Math)-(P35)Braille Embosser (P17) ICAs IABs Diagnostics
Test Delivery System User Guide PDF located WV Assessment Portal, under Resources, User Guides Step 4a: Text-to-Speech Check pg. 32 If assistance is needed with Braille, please contact Annette Carey.