ArcGIS API for javascript By Kayla tomlin and kaitlin sagdal
What category of Technology does it fall under? API
Overview of the tool ArcGIS API for JavaScript is an API that uses Javascript functionality to access and display ArcOnline data Easy to create and share 2D and 3D web apps Geoprocessing capabilities Ready to use Widgets Web-based editing allows users to add and edit data
overview of 2D map code
overview of 3d map code
Is there documentation? How much? Can you make sense of it? PLENTY! ESRI provides Tutorials There is a library of sample scripts in the “sandbox” within each tutorial Youtube tutorial videos
What type of functionality is included? Popups You can use a feature layer to display popup data by selecting points or other map objects, or use …Locator Tasks reverse locate a point selected by the user Returns data such as lat/long and addresses for that point “listens” to a click even (user input) and displays a popup at that location Locates the data for that point and displays it in the popup table Widgets Some widgets are automatically available, like the Zoom widget, others must be manually added. Animation Open source - users edit and add data Simple to create 2D and 3D single symbol maps Supports a variety of data sources/layer types: Vector and Raster Data Feature Server/Map Server .csv files and client-side graphics ArcGIS ImageServer, SceneServer and Portal Item Geoprocessing: Hotspot Maps, Density maps, Chloropleth Buffer Zones Viewsheds Routing (Routine Tasks) Query Elevations Attribute editing – mobile You can edit from a smart phone
Widgets Locator Widget BasemapToggle Widget
What, if any, programming languages are needed to use? HTML Basic HTML skills Javascript You need to have a basic knowledge of Javascript. We were able to use tutorials and example script to get through. It would be helpful to understand the basics of Javascript.
What can ‘mash-up’ with this technology? ArcGIS API for Javascript can use your own ArcGIS server or other servers. You can share a ArcMap doc on you own ArcGIS online server. Webmaps with layers created from remotely hosted comma-separated values(CSV) files are supported. This includes fusion tables and CSV files hosted on the open web. There is a script that allows you use Google maps as a base map Layer in your ESRI JavaScript API applications. ArcGIS online’s list of mashup options… Tiled map services, Dynamic map services, Feature layers, Graphics (SVG, canvas, etc.), KML, Open street map, Bing, WMS / WMTS, Custom layers
Anything else Attribute editing – mobile You can edit from a smart phone