The ARTEMIS-JU Research Agenda and Annual Work Programme Presentation for the ARTEMISIA Call1 Info Day Brussels, May 21st 2008 Alun Foster, STMicroelectronics
Embedded Systems Challenges and Opportunities Increasingly complex system design, very demanding applications At all levels! From semiconductor chips to large-scale networked systems 100% reliability, safety, time criticality challenge computer science SW development has become a major bottle neck No dominant Embedded Systems player, in a fragmented industry Traditional industrial boundaries converging / cross-fertilising E.g. Aeronautics / Automotive / Consumer / Telecom Opportunity and need for cross-industry cooperation ES’s are the fastest growing sector in Information Technology
ARTEMIS- ETP Strategic Research Agenda ARTEMIS envisages cross-application solutions Foundational science & technology Research Domains Application Contexts Industrial Nomadic Environ-ments Private Spaces Public Infra-structure Reference Designs & Architectures Seamless Connectivity & Middleware System Design Methods & Tools Common objectives: Design Efficiency Ease of Use High added value Time to market Modularity Safety / Security Robustness Competitiveness Innovation Cost reduction Interoperability
ARTEMIS SRA – whence it came “Building ARTEMIS” Vision document by the High Level Group. June 2004 “ARTEMIS SRA” SRA top-level description. Preliminary June 2005, Final March 2006 Reference Designs & Architectures Seamless Connectivity & Middleware System Design Methods & Tools Innovation Environment Detailed technical agendas and Innovation policy. May 2006 / November 2006 Technical Priorities. August 2006 Release to ARTEMISIA November 2006
The ARTEMIS-ETP SRA covers the length and breadth of Embedded Systems Research Industry-driven vision Common pan-European SRA Coordination and policy alignment in ERA The ARTEMIS-JU focuses on the DOWNSTREAM sub-set of the ARTEMIS-SRA The ARTEMIS-ETP SRA is referred to by many Research structures FP7 Upstream ICT collab. R&D ERC Marie Curie Research infrastr. JTI/JU Downstream Unified processes National contracts EC co-funding Innovation Env. EUREKA Downstream ITEA 2 (embedded part), MEDEA+ (application part) National contracts National / Regional Programmes WP RA RM
ARTEMIS JU Annual Work Plan, Call 1 Good results from good preparation January 2007 – ARTEMISIA Association established Takes over custodianship of the ARTEMIS ETP and it SRA Represents the R&D actors in the Joint Undertaking 2007 – ARTEMISIA expert groups derive a Research Agenda proposal for the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking Technical Research roadmap for the JU, taking the most significant elements of the ARTEMIS SRA Reference document for the Plans and Calls of the JU
From ARTEMIS ETP SRA to the JU RA. The Methodology : Meet-in-the-middle implementation Top-down guidance by the ARTEMISIA Steering Board Industry needs Societal needs Bottom-up construction by technical experts Technological development to meet these
ARTEMIS JU Research: First principles The JU MASP and Research Agenda encapsulates the expectations of the JU stake-holders: “Think BIG” = projects with appropriate critical mass to ensure significant impact of result “Socio-Economic Benefits” = “... to strengthen European competitiveness and allow the emergence of new markets and societal applications.” i.e. a focus on key technical problems, solving high-visibility issues with commercially valorisable results “Multi-national” = considers national/regional strategic priorities “Think Different” = significant and complementary added-value over existing programmes
“Think Different” .... How to achieve added value MASP identifies strategic considerations for implementing research Targets ARTEMIS-ETP targets for 2016 re-calibrated for a 5-year horizon (2013), and for downstream research Positioning wrt FP7 and Eureka clusters Focus and “Depth of Field” lies between the FP and the (open) nature of e.g. ITEA2 Project size (see “Think Big”) Encourage appropriate critical mass to assure take-up of results Downstream Provides application-orientation to the three Research Domains Most immediate and visible impact of results Environment more conducive to SME involvement
ARTEMISIA proposals for the ARTEMIS-JU Research Agenda ARTEMISIA expert groups identify 8 sub-programmes Address well-known societal concerns Environment, safety, healthcare, secure employment, ... ... In a viable business context Relevant for new businesses and growth markets Each sub-programme is elaborated to embrace the ARTEMIS SRA approach
ARTEMIS-JU Research: relationship to the ARTEMIS SRA ARTEMIS-JU programme addresses the Research Domains and Application Contexts identified in the ARTEMIS SRA Sub-programme A Sub-programme B Sub-programme X • • • • Industrial Nomadic Environ-ments Private Spaces Public Infrastruc-ture Reference Designs & Architectures Seamless connectivity, Middleware System Design methods & tools Foundational science & technology Research Domains Application Contexts
ARTEMIS SRA, Sub-programmes and the JU Documents
JU Call Documents construction RA & MASP are effectively one document RA WG SRA Report (sub-programmes) MASP Feedback, Information on Call Processes, National strategies, ... AWP RA & MASP are proposed by ARTEMISIA (via the IRC) for acceptance by the JU Call Annual Work Plan is derived from MASP Call refers to the AWP
The ARTEMIS-JU Multi-Annual Strategic Plan and Research Agenda
The ARTEMIS Strategic Research Agenda The ARTEMIS JU Research Agenda The ARTEMIS Strategic Research Agenda ARTEMIS envisages cross-application solutions Foundational science & technology Research Domains Application Contexts Industrial Nomadic Environ-ments Private Spaces Public Infra-structure Common objectives: Design Efficiency Ease of Use High added value Time to market Modularity Safety / Security Robustness Competitiveness Innovation Cost reduction Interoperability Reference Designs & Architectures Seamless Connectivity & Middleware system Design Methods & Tools
Priority topics for Reference Designs & Architectures Highest priority Composability Architecture Dependability Design for Safety High priority Design for Manufacturing limitations Reference architectures for Parallel systems Multi-aspect Trade-off in Designs Resource management Design for (Inherent) Security Self Organisation of systems [Results of the ARTEMIS Summer Camp of 2006]
Priority topics for Seamless Connectivity & Middleware Highest priority Resource management High priority Robustness & diagnosis Programming Organization & deployment Provably correct systems Global connectivity Medium priorities Security Data distribution [Results of the ARTEMIS Summer Camp of 2006]
Priority topics for system Design Methods & Tools Highest priority System-level modelling: Model-based Design / System Engineering Test / validation / verification High priority Tool Integration Tools and methods for affordable certification Medium priorities Resource management Tools for Product Line Engineering Simulation environment that can mix physical elements and virtual models (“co-simulation”) Traceability: Requirements to product, visible at any step of the process [Results of the ARTEMIS Summer Camp of 2006]
ARTEMIS JU Sub-Programmes Methods and Processes for Safety-relevant Embedded Systems Person-centric Health Management Smart Environments and Scalable Digital Services Efficient Manufacturing and Logistics Computing Environments for Embedded Systems Security, Privacy and Dependability in Embedded Systems for Appliances/Networks/Services Embedded Technology for Sustainable Urban Life Human-centric Design of Embedded Systems
ARTEMIS JU Sub-Programmes – I SP1: Methods and Processes for Safety-relevant Embedded Systems Embedded Systems for enhanced safety and efficiency Special relevance for the Transport & Manufacturing sectors Automotive, Aerospace, Plant, … Cost-effective design and integration of new systems used in safety-critical situations SP2: Person-centric Health Management Improved prevention, care, cure and well-being through Embedded Systems Rising cost of health-care demands new paradigms supported by ICTs Approach: start by keeping people healthy!
ARTEMIS JU Sub-Programmes – II SP3: Smart Environments and Scalable Digital Services New (service / software) architectures for enhanced user experience of (mobile) media and applications Enable the creation of new services that bring the “Ambient Intelligence” experience to the user SP4: Efficient Manufacturing and Logistics Embedded Systems supporting sustainable, competitive, flexible manufacturing, delivery and support of products over their complete life-cycle
ARTEMIS JU Sub-Programmes – III SP5: Computing Environments for Embedded Systems New architectures and design paradigms for embedded systems Transversal technology, with positive impact on all ES application domains Processing throughput, low power, … SP6: Security, Privacy and Dependability (in Embedded Systems for Appliances/Networks/Services) Protect the individual, the supplier and the (data) infrastructure from abuse Increase trust and confidence in the use of ICT-based services Protect the public at large (infrastructure protection)
ARTEMIS JU Sub-Programmes – IV SP7: Embedded Technology for Sustainable Urban Life Sustainable delivery of energy and other utilities Improved energy use through cost-effective and intelligent embedded systems (smart buildings). SP8: Human-centric Design of Embedded Systems New ways to interact with technology ... Or better, for the technology to interact with the user! Easier-to-use, friendly electronics for home, work and play Reduces the “digital gap” Improved operator monitoring and control of transport and industrial systems Eliminate operator error, for safer plant, safer car/train/’plane, ...
The ARTEMIS-JU Annual Work Plan for 2009 Call 1
Annual Work Programme for the First Call All Sub-Programmes are born equal ... Strong industrial backing for all addressed sectors Differentiation of priorities across different member-states Therefore, all SP’s open in the first call ... but some are more equal than others... SPs 1, 3 and 5 have a stronger technology orientation Anticipate that these will attract larger projects in the first call Natural process - sets the foundation for later work Estimate: about 50% of total programme manpower will be spent on these three SPs. (Based on bottom-up analysis of industrial interest during MASP/RA development)
ARTEMIS-JU – AWP: Building a better project General address at least one Industrial Priority and one sub-programme include demonstration of core technological developments: show “Critical Mass” SP1, SP3 and SP5 : encourage “large” projects Contribution to the Artemis targets “reduce the cost of the system design from 2005 levels by 15% by 2013, …”. show intended contribution these targets and propose methods for monitoring progress. Technology vis-à-vis Application strong application focus in a realistic industrially relevant context, short to medium term research and technology development Co-operation
ARTEMIS-JU – AWP: Building a better project (2) Evolution of markets and market environment maintain a ‘market watch’ to ensure the continuing relevance of work Standards & Regulations standard development and harmonisation, where applicable Potential “open source” model implementations Innovation environment project consortia must be balanced favouring clustering of SMEs in innovation eco-systems. Project duration Typically 2-3 years. > 3 years should be well justified.
THANK YOU The ARTEMIS JU is IN PLACE Conclusion: The ARTEMIS JU is IN PLACE ARTEMISIA is fully committed to supporting its ambitious R&D goals A compelling RESEARCH AGENDA for the ARTEMIS-JU is IN PLACE ARTEMIS-JU First Call is OPEN THANK YOU