FP7 EU’s 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. ICTs in the programme. Totka Chernaeva Bulgarian Delegate to the ISTC
Outline FP7 Proposal ICT in FP7 State of Play and next steps
Commission’s Proposals of 6 April 2005 Research, innovation and competitiveness are top policy priorities of the Lisbon Agenda Two framework Programmes Launched FP7: The ICT theme and ICT-related infrastructures The CIP: ICT Policy Support Programme ICT: Essential component of two key proposals Two complementary financial instruments, one policy goal: « Enable Europe to master and make the best use of ICTs »
FP7: Four inter-linked objectives Gain leadership in key technology areas by supporting cooperation among main stakeholders; projects with high European added value Stimulate excellence through competition Attracting the best brains, frontier research Develop and strengthen Human Capital of research Improve research and innovation capacity
FP7: structure (Four specific programmes) “Cooperation” between universities, industry, research centres and public authorities in order to gain leadership in key scientific and technology areas. “Ideas” Frontier research, competition, individual grants “People” Human potential, mobility “Capacities” Infrastructure, SMEs, science and society, Joint Research Center – non-nuclear + EURATOM
FP7: Initial Indicative budgets (to be reduced) Cooperation: 44735 m€ (61%) Ideas: 11942 m€ (16%) People: 7178 m€ (10%) Capacities: 7536 m€ (10%) JRC: 1824 m€ (3%)
“Cooperation” – Collaborative Research – Themes 1. Health 2. Food, Agri, Biotech 3. Information and Communication Technologies 4. Nano, Materials, Production 5. Energy 6. Environment 7. Transport (including Aeronautics) 8. Socio-econ 9. Security and space
“Cooperation” – Collaborative Research – Themes ICT: 12756 m€ (28.5%) to be reduced to 8845 m € Nano, materials, production: 4865 m€ (11%) Energy: 2951 m€ (7%) Environment: 2552 m€ (6%) Transport: 5981 m€ (13%) Food, agri, biotech: 2472 m€ (6%) Socio-econ research: 798 m€ (2%) Health: 8373 m€ (18%) Space and security: 3987 m€ (9%)
“Cooperation” – Collaborative Research Under each theme there will be sufficient flexibility to address Emerging needs Unforeseen policy needs Support will be implemented across all themes through Collaborative projects; Networks of Excellence; Coordination/support actions Joint Technology Initiatives Coordination (Community participation in national research programmes based on Art. 169;ERA-NET; ERA-NET+;)
“Cooperation” – Joint Technology Initiatives In a limited number of cases Derived from European Technology Platforms Financial and resource commitment from industry Capacity to attract additional national support Nanoelectronics, Embedded Systems, Robotics…
FP7 “Capacities” – Research Capacity – 6 Parts 1. Research Infrastructures 2. Research for the benefit of SMEs 3. Regions of knowledge 4. Research potential 5. Science in society 6. Activities of int’l cooperation
FP7 “Capacities” – Research Capacity – 6 Parts Research infrastructures: 3987 m€ (54%) Research for benefit of SMEs: 1914 m€ (25%) Regions of knowledge: 160 m€ (2%) Int’l cooperation: 359 m€ (5%) Science in society: 558 mé (7%) Research potential: 558 m€ (7%)
FP7 “Capacities” – Research Infrastructures Support to existing research infrastructures Research e-infrastructures GÉANT, Grids, Super-/high-end-computing!!! Transnational access Integrating activities Support to new research infrastructures Construction of new research infrastructures and major updates of existing ones Nanoelectronics cleanrooms Design studies
Research for the benefit of SMEs The objective is to strengthen the innovation capacity of European (SMEs) and their contribution to the development of new technology based products and markets by helping them outsource research, increase their research efforts, extend their networks, better exploit research results and acquire technological know-how. Specific actions to support SMEs will be funded through two schemes: Research for SMEs Research for SME associations
Ideas - a European Research Council to support basic, frontier research The objective is to enhance the dynamism, creativity and excellence of European research at the frontier of knowledge. by supporting "investigator-driven" research projects proposed by individual teams in competition at the European level. Themes chosed by proposes Projects evaluated on the sole criterion of excellence EU activities in frontier research are to be implemented by a European Research Council (ERC), composed of a scientific governing council and a dedicated implementation structure. Research areas covered will be independent of the thematic orientations of other parts of the Framework Programme, and will include engineering, social sciences and the humanities.
FP7 “People” – Human Potential Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Networks Life-long training and career development Individual Fellowships Co-financing of national/international programmes Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Industry-Academia Scheme International dimension Outgoing International Fellowships; Incoming International Fellowships; International Cooperation Scheme; Reintegration grants Specific actions Excellence awards
ICT in FP7 – Objectives “To enable Europe to master and shape the future developments of ICT so that the demands of its society and economy are met” Thereby: Strengthening the competitiveness of all industry in Europe Master ICT for innovation and growth Re-inforcing the competitive position of European ICT sector Build industrial and technology leadership Supporting EU policies Mobilise ICT to meet public and societal demands Strengthening the European science & technology base A pre-condition for success
Main Themes and Activities ICT Technology Pillars pushing the limits of performance, usability, dependability, cost-efficiency Integration of Technologies integrating multi-technology sets that underlie new functionalities, services and applications Applications Research providing the knowledge and the means to develop a wide range of ICT-based services and applications Future and Emerging Technologies supporting research at the frontiers of knowledge
ICT Technology Pillars Nano-electronics, photonics and integrated micro/nano-systems Ubiquitous and unlimited capacity communication networks Embedded systems, computing and control Software, Grids, security and dependability Knowledge, cognitive and learning systems Simulation, visualisation, interaction and mixed realities New perspectives emerging in ICT drawing on other science and technology disciplines
Integration of Technologies Personal environments personal communication and computing devices, wearables, implants.. Home environments communication, monitoring, control, assistance; Robotic systems advanced autonomous systems; cognition, control, miniaturisation Intelligent infrastructures tools making infrastructures that are critical to everyday life more efficient, easier to adapt and maintain,
Applications Research ICT meeting societal challenges for health; to improve inclusion; for mobility; in support of the environment; for governments ICT for content, creativity and personal development new media and content; technology-enhanced learning; digital cultural assets ICT supporting businesses and industry business processes; collaborative work; manufacturing ICT for trust and confidence identity, authentication, authorization, privacy, rights
FP7 – simplified implementation in comparison to FP6 Simplifying the administrative and financial rules and procedures Lowering the number of requests to participants Simplifying the Commission’s controls Improving the financial schemes and modalities of funding
FP7:State of Play and Next Steps 2005 6 April - Commission Adoption of FP7 proposal December – Council agreement Reduction of budget to 1045 of GDP 2006 January – EP disagrees with Council Feb-March –Two rounds of discussions between Council, EP and Commission March – Competitiveness Council recommends more emphasis on SMEs May – Commission revised proposal (ne budget profile) May-June – Inter Institutional Agreement October –November – Adoption of legislation December - Launch of FP7?
Thank you for your attention! FP 7: Useful links CORDIS FP7 http://www.cordis.lu/fp7/faq.htm Future of Research in IST http://www.cordis.lu/ist/about/fp7.htm Thank you for your attention!