Development of the e-Infrastructure in Macedonian Prof Development of the e-Infrastructure in Macedonian Prof. Magita Kon-Popovska FINKI, UKIM E-Infrastructure for Macedonian researchers 21.06.2012
Outline European e-Infrastructures: prospects &projects SEE region follow up and results Macedonian achievements/challenges
The e-Science paradigm shift towards a scientific Renaissance Wim Jansen European Commission -DG INFSO Géant and e-Infrastructures
Pan-EU e-Infrastructures vision The Research Network infrastructure provides fast interconnection and advanced services among Research and Education institutes of different countries’ Main Initiative: GEANT (GN3 project) The Research Distributed Computing Infrastructure (Grid, HPC) provides a distributed environment for sharing computing power, storage, instruments and data through the appropriate software (middleware) in order to solve complex application problems Main Initiatives: EGI, PRACE (projects) This integrated environment is called electronic infrastructure (eInfrastructure) allowing new methods of global collaborative research - often referred to as electronic science (eScience) The creation of the eInfrastructure is a key objective of the European Research Area (ERA) EGI PRICE GEANT
e-Infrastructures for science… ubiquitous research environments for accessing and sharing resources and tools… Wim Jansen European Commission -DG INFSO Géant and e-Infrastructures
GEANT GN3 FP7 EC 4 year project 2009-2013 95M eur Cross border fiber EU NREN Policy coordination, Innovate services, Extend geographical access 34 partners 32 NRENs, 40M users 8.000 institutions
World R&E Communities Connectivity
Hierarchical network structure Enabling centralized management, End-to-end service provision High network expertise
EGI-European Grid Initiative EGI-InSpire FP7 4 years project 2010-2014 25M eur Building and maintaining sustainable European Grid Infrastructure 50 Institutions in 40 countries, NGI
CHAIN project (Coordination& Harmonization of Advanced eInfrastructures) CNGrid NKN & Garuda EUAsiaGrid SAGrid & SANREN
PRACE Tier(0) Partnership for Advanced Computing in EU Germany, IBM Blue Gene 1 Petaflops, 294.912 cores FP7 2007-201, 24 countries CURIE France, Bullx86 modular system, 2 Petaflops
Some of global projects
FP 7 eInfrastructure projects e-IRG (e-Infrastructure Reflection Group) Inter governmental policy body that was founded to support the creation of a political, technological and administrative framework and shared use of distributed electronic resources across Europe (30 countries participate). CLARIN Common language resources and technology Infrastructure) Has established an integrated and interoperable Pan European research infrastructure of language resources and its technology, making them available to the humanities and social sciences research communities at large.
SEE & Macedonia eInfrastructure
SEE eInfrastructure activities – timeline: 10 years of close collaboration Network Infrastructure SEEREN1/2: regional inter-NRN connectivity and GEANT links [DG INFSO] all countries in GN3 2009 (except AL and BA) SEEFIRE: studying the feasibility of long-term solutions for dark fiber backbone in the region SEELIGHT: implementation of the lambda facility in SEE [Greek Hiperb] sustainable regional network Result: partly sustainable national & regional networks, EC 43% funding for GEANT National dimension crucial: Role of NREN in MK this was UKIM/MARNET with participation of researchers from PMF and FEIT MARnet target September 2012, 2 x 155 Mbps 15
SEEREN 1&2 2002-2009 4 mbps 2004 34 mbps 2006 68 mbps 2007 Funding: 3,5 M eur, Duration:4,5 year. From 2009 155 Mbps Sofia GEANT PoP
SEELight regional project vision HIPERB Hellenic Plan for the Economic Reconstruction of the Balkan SEE-LIGHT: South-East European Lambda Network Facility for R&E Deployment of an advanced regional network infrastructure (lambda network facility) for R&E, 3 countries committed, others in progress SEENet: a management body for SEELIGHT Current status: Project starts in Serbia & is on the way in Bulgaria MK status: Available national 20% funds 300.000 eur International & national DWDM interconnectivity
NATO NIG project NATO funding 204.000 eur 2004 year 1G fiber switches+ 2x32Mbps wireless network Project proposing Projecting Procurement Deployment
GMON-Skopje Gigabit network Austrian Gov. Grant 190.000 eur 2004 year Proposing Projecting Procurement Fiber optics owned by MARNet – Ss Cyril and Methodius, University Total length: 20 km Throughput: 1 Gbit/sec Optical cable with 12-18-24 fibers More than 95% students and academic staff of the University are covered
Skopje wireless network Relay point МРТВ Technical Campus Civil Eng&Arch. campus PMF campus. Biotehnological campus Laser link 155Mbps 10Mbps radio backup 2 optical fiber UKIM Medical Campus NUB IZIIS
Alvarion WalkAir 3000, sector 1
Alvarion WalkAir 3000, sector 2
Stip University network
Services planned/implemented during the SEEREN1&2 projects and beyond EDUROAM (under GN3)
Video conferencing Educational Services ViCES Serbia Skopje Network centre Albania Skopje Skopje Tetovo Stip Skopje Bitola TEMPUS
SEE Grid eInfrastructure activities – Timeline: 8 years SEEGRID1/2: building regional Grid infrastructure within and beyond EGEE, building NGIs and user communities SEE-GRID-SCI: eInfrastructure for large-scale environmental science user communities: meteorology, seismology, environmental protection. Inclusion of Caucasus. [DGINFSO] All countries in EGI within the same timeframe as rest of Europe Result: sustainable national Grids, EC funding for EGI like rest of EU (with 67% local funds) HP-SEE: regional HPC interconnection and 2nd generation Caucasus link (ongoing 2010-2013) Expected result: sustainable national HPC centers, long-term sustainable model with PRACE, links GEANT/EGI National dimension crucial: Role of NGI In MK this is MARGI – Macedonian Grid Initiative - with leading role of researchers from FINKI 2004-2010 year &HP-SEE from 2010 26
Infrastructure deployment
Distributed responsibilities for Infrastructure management
Key results: User communities support Seismology (6 major applications), meteorology (2) and environmental protection (8) Cross-border user communities and beneficiaries Very clear and efficient procedures for support 29
Size of Continuous Waveform Data Seismology VO Seismology VO offers the researchers: Access to seismic data mirrored from national research centers on a timely basis Adequate computing resources close to the seismology data repositories Collaborative working environment with both regional groups and global organizations Core: seismic data server serving large seismic data sets from sensors (TBs) 6 Applications MK Application: Automatic recognition of Earthake locations Size of Continuous Waveform Data 2.44 TB No. of stations 86 30
Key results: National Grid Initiatives Before SEE-GRID-SCI During SEE-GRID-SCI Initiating and structuring NGIs SEE-GRID pioneer of the NGI concept Significant developments in a number of areas: organisational stability, operational maturity, national-level support
Conclusion: we are going toward successful eInfrastructure, deployment in SEE SEEREN1&2, SEE-LIGHT & BSI & GEANT Comp physics, Comp chem, Life sciences Seismology, Meteorology, Environment SEE-GRID 1 & 2 & SCI HP-SEE User / knowledge layer
EGEE (Enabling Grid for E- Sciences) SEE eInfrastructure activities – time frame, convergence with EU projects 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 HP-SEE (50% EC) Pan-EU HPC Initiative? SEE-GRID 1-2-SCI (EC 100%, 75%) EGI (EC 33%) EGEE (Enabling Grid for E- Sciences) GEANT (EC 43% int. interconnection) GN3 (43%) SEELIGHT (0% EC) SEEREN 1, 1.5,2 (EC 100%, 70-80%)
SEERA-EI project SEERA-EI: regional programme managers (relevant ministries) collaboration towards common eInfrastructure vision, strategy and regional funds, FP7 2009-2012. Core Objective & Achieved result: Develop and strengthen the coordination and cooperation of national eInfrastructures programmes in the region of South-East Europe. Ensuring long-term national-level funds and regional funds to complement EC funds MoU for coordinated e-Infrastructure development (Grid, Cloud, and High-Performance Computing technologies, SEELight) MoU to facilitate regional sharing of high-performance computing resources 34
Our achievements/challenges Deploy own eInfrastructure part of the SEE/Europe including Grid and HPC facilities Be partners in related projects consortiums and so part of e-Science in SEE and wider Still not all Academic and Research Institutions part of eInfrastructure (National backbone, University networks, shared facilities on national level) Higher involvement of various user communities in exploiting eInfrastructure