Creating openly licensed courses for use in workplace and community settings Pete Cannell and Ronald Macintyre
About us Opening Educational Practices in Scotland is a cross-sector project that facilitates best practice in Scottish open education. We aim to enhance Scotland’s reputation and capacity for developing publicly available and licenced online materials, supported by high quality pedagogy and learning technology.
OEPS Now in final six months of 3-year project Working with >60 partners to identify and share good practice. Working with partners to develop exemplar OER
What do we mean by OER? Our understanding of Open Educational Resources is grounded in established notions of openly licensed content. We have a specific focus on freedoms afforded by openly licensing content (allowing “The 5 Rs”: retain, reuse, revise, remix, redistribute) and the degree to which design, development and distribution accounts for equity and openness.
What do we mean by OEP? Open Educational Practices are usually understood as approaches to teaching and facilitation using technology to support learning in the context of high quality OER. The OEPS project has found it helpful to extend notions of Open Educational Practice to the include social practices that mediate between providers, partners and learners. We have explored the value of co-design with partners and learners.
Approach Multi-stranded action research project Each partner strand involved the typical action research cycle of planning, acting, observing and reflecting Identifying good practice and share new understanding across the strands of the project CC0 Public Domain
Use practice and beyond Ladder of OER engagement (Alison Littlejohn) Initially partners from the informal learning sector are interested in how to use open and on barriers to use Shifts to interest in creating new courses Driven by Free Decline in other areas of support Interest in digital participation
Exemplar courses Short, free, openly licensed Five live, eight in production Produced in partnership Responding to partner needs and motivations Strong demand for: Transitions – filling gaps Professional development Knowledge exchange superfactice CC0
Co-design Team approach – organisation from informal sector + university Initial ‘Learning Design Workshop’ Centred on student – thinking about what the students need, what they bring with them, what the study context is – surfacing assumptions. Draws on ideas of participatory design – looks for ways of making learning social Parallels with older non-digital models
Professional development in partnership with Parkinson’s UK
OpenLearn Create
4/11/2018 These slides available at Contact Us: Email: Twitter: @OEPScotland Blog: Pete 12 12