Homework due: Wednesday, November 25th


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Presentation transcript:

Homework due: Wednesday, November 25th Answer the following exam-style questions for assessment (look at the following two slides for guidance on answering these types of questions!) 1) How successful was Trotsky in his attempts to reform the Red Army (8 Mark Question) Remember this type of question asks you to consider his aims / short & long term success, etc. 2) Describe what happened to the Romanov royal family in July 1918 (4 Mark Question) Discuss today Know date / place / time / why murdered! SHP page 57

Why did the Reds win the Civil War LO: to progress from describing to explaining why the Reds won the Civil War

LO: to progress from describing to explaining why the Reds won the Civil War To Start You have 2 minutes to come up with 3 reasons why the Reds won No notes No conferring!

Reading Task 1) Read page 74-75 on War Communism No notes at this point 2) Read page 76 on Cheka _____________________________________________________ 3) Brainstorm in pairs to add to your list why the Reds won

surplus food was given to the army You’ve seen some reasons why the Whites lost, now look at some more reasons why the Reds won. The Bolsheviks started a policy known as war communism: surplus food was given to the army the state took control of the railways money was abolished in favour of barter terror was used to force people to obey. The Cheka was a secret police force that terrorized people into fighting for the Reds. Suspects were rounded up and tortured and their families were threatened. Millions of Russians died of starvation as food was confiscated to be given to the troops fighting against the Whites in the civil war. Teacher’s Notes War communism was the method that the Bolsheviks used to control Russia, in particular the economy, during the civil war. It involved the following: the nationalization of nearly all the railways by the state a ban on private trade meaning that all surplus produced became the property of the government to distribute as it wished requisitioning (seizure) of surplus peasant grain to feed soldiers at the front and workers in the towns the attempt to abolish the use of money, barter and rationing would be used instead the use of terror to force people to comply with the regulations ranks and discipline were restored to the army in order to maintain control of the troops during the civil war. If the policies were meant to stimulate growth in the economy then they were a failure. In almost all areas production levels fell as people saw no point in producing surpluses that were going to be taken away from them by the government. The situation in the countryside was particularly bad where peasants hid grain rather than hand it over to Cheka agents. Terrible scenes of cruelty ensued when Cheka agents found hidden stores of grain. This, combined with the terrible famine, resulted in an estimated 5 million deaths between 1917 and 1921.

Steal Activity: Explain why the Bolsheviks won the Russian Civil War Teams of 4 Divide your A3 paper into four boxes Label the boxes: War Communism / The use of the Cheka Trotsky’s Leadership Geographical Advantages Problems with the Whites

Steal Activity: Explain why the Bolsheviks won the Russian Civil War Using only your notes, you will have 3 minutes to write down as many different facts to mention for that point. For Example: Problems with the Whites – They have a clear lack of aims (some want the Tsar back while others want to restore the Constituent Assembly) _______________________________________________________________ After the three minutes are up, one person from each group will have exactly one minute to go to other groups to steal ideas and add it to your own sheet. No covering up your sheets during the steal phase! Names on your sheets, as I will collect the sheets in. During the next activity, I will award the best group mini-merits.

Follow Up Writing Task Write down what you believe to be the most important reason the Reds won the Civil War. Explain the reason you have chosen, and analyze why it is more important than other reasons.

Homework due Friday Make bullet-point notes on pages: 87, 88, and 92 of the WJEC book: War Communism The situation in the towns The situation in the countryside The Cheka and the Red Terror Economic, Social and Political Conditions in 1921 (will learn about next lesson) The Kronstadt rising and the abandonment of War Communism.

Teacher’s Notes Question 1 The correct answer is Trotsky. Question 2 The correct answer is radishes. Question 3 The correct answer is the Whites. Question 4 The correct answer is the use of terror. People starving to death is a consequence of the policy, not a feature. Question 5

Why did the Reds win the civil war? Teacher's Notes The answers are: Trotsky, the Commissar for War, had control of the railway network and was able to move troops and supplies more efficiently than the White generals could do: Strategic; Economic The Reds controlled the areas of Russia were most of the industrial resources existed: Economic The Cheka and Red Army were more successful in their use of terror than the White armies: Control Trotsky was inspirational; he created an army which hated the White generals and believed it would win: Morale War communism was successful to an extent in supplying the troops with food: Economic White armies were made up of a mixture of groups and nationalities that weren’t all fighting for the same cause: Morale The Whites were fighting on four separate fronts and couldn’t get supplies easily to their troops: Strategic, Economic The Whites depended on supplies from abroad and this made them look like foreign agents determined to destroy Russia: Economic, Morale The Bolsheviks promised to give the land to the peasants but the White leaders would have given it back to landowners: Economic, Morale The foreign intervention by countries like Britain and France was never co-ordinated so didn’t have a chance of winning: Strategic The foreign troops were war-weary from World War I and would never have put up with a long war: Strategic, Morale Many White leaders and soldiers were former tsarist troops and this didn’t inspire local people to fight for them: Morale

Why did the Reds win the civil war? Essay question Why did the Reds win the civil war? Having just identified the types of reasons, you should now be able to write this essay, using the following headings: 1. Which were the most important factors: strategic, economic, control or morale? 2. Could the Whites have won even if they had managed to work together or did the Reds have too many advantages? 3. How important was the use of terror tactics in controlling the troops and winning the war? 4. How important was morale as a factor in winning the war?

Homework due Friday Make bullet-point notes on pages: 87, 88, and 92 of the WJEC book: War Communism The situation in the towns The situation in the countryside The Cheka and the Red Terror Economic, Social and Political Conditions in 1921 (will learn about next lesson) The Kronstadt rising and the abandonment of War Communism.