SAC/PAP Review UW-Madison March 1-2, 2007 Operations Planning SAC/PAP Review UW-Madison March 1-2, 2007
Operations Concept Analysis Coordinated by the Collaboration/Analysis Coordinator Collaborating institutions supported by their respective funding agencies Operations Central organization to coordinate and manage in partnership with the collaboration Cost sharing determined by the funding agencies Staffing plans include core full-time staff and fractions of staff covered by both research grants and operations support SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
THE ICECUBE COLLABORATION Sweden: Uppsala Universitet Stockholm Universitet USA: Bartol Research Institute, Delaware Pennsylvania State University UC Berkeley UC Irvine Clark-Atlanta University University of Maryland IAS, Princeton University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Wisconsin-River Falls Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. University of Kansas Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge University of Alaska, Anchorage Germany: Universität Mainz DESY-Zeuthen Universität Dortmund Universität Wuppertal Universität Berlin MPI Heidelberg RWTH Aachen UK: Imperial College, London Oxford University Netherlands: Utrecht University Japan: Chiba university Belgium: Université Libre de Bruxelles Vrije Universiteit Brussel Universiteit Gent Université de Mons-Hainaut New Zealand: University of Canterbury 33 institutions, ~250 members SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Operations Scope Detector Maintenance & Operations (M&O) - Maintain and operate a properly functioning detector. Data Systems - Enable the collaboration to access data. Data Integrity - Confirm that high quality data can be used for analysis. R&D - Modest improvements and evaluation of external threats such as EMI, and technical interfaces with ongoing R&D efforts supported separately. Education and Outreach Program Management SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Planning Background Operations tasks and budgets are informed by construction (and operations!) experience. Organization plans are maturing and during the concurrent construction and operations phase will rely heavily on the ongoing construction project. Funding agencies need a clear sense of the level of support required in order to advance discussions on the respective funding responsibilities. SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Operations Planning Issues Host Laboratory (NSF) Responsibilities (NSF, UW, Collaboration) Influence of resource constraints (power, population, etc.) Boundary Conditions MREFC and Research and Related Activities Boundary Cost sharing algorithms defined by the funding agencies Data rates, quality and timeliness of analysis Actual cost of maintenance and operations activities Coherency of the IceCube Operations Program Construction, Operations, Analysis Grants, R&D, E&O, … Emphasis on operations and advanced R&D SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
International Oversight and Finance Group IceCube Neutrino Observatory IceCube Operations International Oversight and Finance Group NSF, Executive Agent DRAFT IceCube Collaboration Collaboration Spokesperson Collaboration Board Executive Committee Science Advisory Committee IceCube Neutrino Observatory Principal Investigator Director of Operations Software Coordination Education & Outreach A3RI & Project Support Operations Support R&D Administrative Support Tech Support Logistics RPSC Detector Operations Trigger Filter Transmit Board Science Operations Computing Data Center DESY MC Production Europe Northern Data Center Metadata & Database Support Data Distribution Data Storage Software & Data Processing Data Production Filtering & Software Systems Reconstruction Software Online Filtering Simulation Data Integrity Detector Calibration Data Verification Offline Filtering Software Tier 2 Support Monte Carlo Offline Data Run Coordination Detector Monitoring Online Processing DAQ Detector Hardware SPS Data Handling AMANDA Winter Overs SPTS
Operating Strings Operations Begin (Planned going into 06-07 season) SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Deployments AMANDA 01/ 2000 IceCube string and IceTop station 01/05 2005: 1 2006: 8 2007: 13 (12 planned) 2008: 14 2009: 14 2010: 14 2011: 11+ AMANDA 01/ 2000 78 74 73 72 67 66 65 IceCube string and IceTop station 01/05 58 59 57 56 50 49 48 47 46 IceCube string and IceTop station 01/06 39 40 38 30 29 IceTop station only 2006 21 IceCube string and IceTop station 02/07 SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
IceCube Integrated Volume (Projected) Graph shows cumulative km3·yr of exposure × volume 1 km3·yr reached 2 years before detector is completed Close to 4 km3·yr at the beginning of 2nd year of full array operation. 3 yr M&O SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Already “Operating” Last Year This year 22 strings IC-9 and Amanda array taking data Physics analysis ongoing Continuing Amanda analysis Publication of results First IC-9 analysis within 6 months of data Publication soon! (paper in pub committee) This year 22 strings People working on Physics filters for Pole Active working groups and coordination See later talks SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Atmospheric neutrinos Dominant background Point source searches Diffuse neutrinos Important calibration “beam” Standard candle to measure sensitivity to neutrinos Established IceCube as a neutrino detector! SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Atmospheric neutrinos in 2006 Data selection done online at S. Pole and transferred by satellite North Ratio of data to simulation: At selected cut strength 10: 156 up-going muon events Purity of neutrino sample > 95% John Pretz, Ph.D. thesis SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
First Neutrinos from IceCube-9 Mention 3EG 0520. Physics paper prepared for publication within 6 months of initial operation! SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
IceCube-22 calibrations LED Flashers Standard Candle SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
IceCube-22 Muon Plan for Physics data taking with filters in place at Pole (15-25 GB/day satellite rate) to begin before May 1 SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Operations Planning - History NSF Baseline Review Feb. 2004 Supported plan to operate during construction phase International Oversight & Finance Group (IOFG) Oct. 2004 1st meeting w/discussion of plan for cost sharing of operations NSF Annual Review May 2005 Recommendations on the scope of an operations program Collaboration Scrutiny Group Aug. 2005 Critiqued scope and budgets and encouraged cost reductions and more in-kind contributions Project Advisory Panel/ Science Advisory Committee Mar. 2006 More recommendations on preparing a comprehensive program and organization IOFG Apr. 2006 Effort to understand cost and possibilities for cost sharing arrangements M&O Proposal to NSF NSF Operations Review Revised M&O budget Review May 2006 June 2006 Aug. 2006 Sep. 2006 Mar. 2007 Encouragement to proceed with plans for operations Sent to reviewers & organized review committee Positively reviewed some suggestions for savings, redistribute M&O and Grants Discussion of funding realities SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Revised M&O Budget Non-US in-kind 3.3 3.4 3.5 FY07 (M$) FY08 (M$) FY09 (M$) Non-US in-kind 3.3 3.4 3.5 Original M&O Request to NSF/IOFG 6.5 7.2 8.4 Revised M&O Request to NSF/IOFG 3.6 5.1 7 Revised M&O cost delta -2.9 -2.1 -1.4 Non-US Cash in-kind 0.4 Revised M&O Guidance from the NSF 3.2 4.7 (6.6) SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Revised M&O details (Non in-kind) SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Revised M&O Details (In-kind) SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Where are we now? NSF guidance and $400k common fund fall short in first two years of operation Prioritization of budget elements & cost cutting Developed the revised budget Plan to support core operations areas for IceCube in FY07 and FY08 Goal to Maintain low impact on MRE contingency! Increased risk to operations Need to make case to NSF for close to full support in FY09 and later years FY09 (~$6.6M funding needed) Steady state FY11 on (~$10.1M) SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Operations Planning - Next Steps SAC/PAP Review – March 1-2, 2007 collect operations material for reviews get feedback from SAC/PAP NSF Review of Revised Proposal - March 15 2005 At NSF with same review committee from last year No direct IceCube participation Review Operations/Construction transition Pending base grant proposals (UW and others) Existing base grants IceCube operating with 22 strings in the ice Planning for operations funding to start April, 2007 at reduced levels to support core operations. SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Summary IceCube is Physics Capable Now! Competition & Synergy with Other Exps Students & Postdocs … IceCube M&O funding begins this year (April)!! Planned from initial baseline review in 2004 Budget estimates well grounded in MREFC & operating experience Have “guidance” numbers for first two years Ramp up in M&O funding slower then planned Prioritized tasks to ensure core operations Try to minimize impact on MRE Need to get full requested amount for Year 3 (FY09) funding in NSF budget plans now SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Backup Slides SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
U.S. Funding Transition Plans US M&O only Non-US in-kind ~ $3.5M SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
SP Systems (Tier 0) Data Flow ~30 GB / d a y 10 T B / ye ar 1 MB/s 677 OMs F il t ered Da t a AMANDA T W R D A Q JEB/PnF A ll Da t a ICECUBE E v e n t Bu il der 5120 DOMs 5-6 MB/s >400 GB/day Tape Archive O n li n e m o n i to r & a l er t s y s t e m Filter Reconstruction Processor Farm SAC – Operations Planning March 1, 2007
Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 Core IceCube Resources Distributed Resources South Pole System (SPS) 17 Racks, 150 computers, real time DAQ, PnF system, networking, security, data handling 300GB/day tape, 28 GB/day satellite Tier 0 Winter Over Operations (WO) South Pole Test System (SPTS) Data Warehouse Core IceCube Resources SP&NH Data movement, 30TB/yr Data&MC disk, Tape archive, Database 2 Winter Overs, training 3FTE/yr, 300GB/day tape 8 Racks, ~60 computers, cable, DOM, DAQ, PnF UW Madison Data Center Data Center US MC Production UW Data Center DESY MC Production Germainy Offline data formatting & merging, L1 Filtering, >800 GHz-CPU dedicated Manage MC Production, MC production, >800 GHz-CPU dedicated + shared CPU resources Offline data formatting & merging, re-Filtering, >800 GHz-CPU Dedicated MC production, >800 GHz-CPU dedicated + shared CPU resources Tier 1 MC Production Sweden/Belgium MC Production UMD MC Production US MC production, >400 GHz-CPU dedicated MC production, >400 Ghz-CPU using shared CPU resources Distributed Resources MC production, using shared CPU resources ALL ICECUBE COLLABORATING INSTITUTIONS Tier 2
Data Warehouse (Tier 0) & Data Processing Centers (Tier 1) Data Flow