Are Physical Activity Professionals Needed?...Yes! Here is another illustration of the impact of physical activity on our nation: As obesity rises as a result of low levels of physical activity, so does the prevalence of diabetes. Take a look at the following slides from the American Medical Association to see how the prevalence of diabetes has changed in our nation. What impact can you make as a physical activity professional? Chapter 1 - Hoffman (2005)
Watch to see how the disease spreads across the map Diabetes Watch to see how the disease spreads across the map
Diabetes BRFSS 1990
Diabetes BRFSS 1991-1992
Diabetes BRFSS 1993-1994
Diabetes BRFSS 1995
Diabetes BRFSS 1995-1996
Diabetes BRFSS 1997-1998
Diabetes BRFSS 1999
Diabetes BRFSS 2000
Diabetes BRFSS 2001
Type 2 Diabetes in Adults 1990 and 2001
So, Are You Ready to Explore Physical Activity as… a form of human experience, an object of scholarly study, and a focal point for a professional career? Chapter 1 - Hoffman (2005)