Status Umbrella ID Mirjam van Daalen.


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Presentation transcript:

Status Umbrella ID Mirjam van Daalen

Status Umbrella MoU signed in March 2015 by 14 partners: DLS, Elettra, EMBL, HZB, KIT, PSI, ESRF, ALBA, SOLEIL,DESY, EU XFEL, ILL, STFC, INSTRUCT. New partner HZDR (since August 2016) Request from Forschungszentrum Jülich

Status of Service Provider deployment Facility Status SP installed WUO adapted Production ESRF OK ILL PSI Elettra ISIS Diamond - DESY Soleil KIT MAXIV ALBA Instruct WayForLight PaNdata software catalogue

Members SC / TT Umbrella Collaboration Chair SC Mirjam van Daalen Chair TT Björn Abt

umbrellaID umbrellaID Status Upgrade to Shibboleth V3 (done end of September 2016) New website is online EduGAIN online (prepared Geant 3+ project, end 2016) umbrellaID IdP in EguGAIN over JISC (begin 2017) Moonshot online (prepared in Geant 3+ project , end 2016) Attribute Authority online (own Database), for services that need certain attributes, e.g.: Email, givenName, surname, postalAddress, homePostalAddress, telephoneNumber, mobile, homePhone, orcidIdentifier, dateOfBirth, Gender, preferredLanguage Link to ORCID (publication ID , end of November 2016) Link to Open IRIS (prepared in CRISP Projekt, in progress with FMI) PR actions needed to be planned

umbrellaID Roadmap

umbrellaID PR Aktionen ab September 2016: Neue Website PSI Aktuell Spectrum / Fenster zur Forschung Mail an DUO User Mail an INSTRUCT User Auf der Website zu jeder Facility (WUO) schreiben, was man mit umbrellaID machen kann PR Aktionen müssen koordiniert sein innerhalb der umbrellaID Kollaboration. Mit Neutronen Kontakt aufnehmen, Ines Crespo,  

umbrellaID CALIPSOplus/Nemo2020: Ende August Entscheidung ob Projekte bewilligt werden. Wenn ja dann werden folgende Aktivitäten für umbrellaID finanziert: Promotion of umbrellaID and the unified access platform. Coordinated development of umbrellaID extensions, i.e. connection to ORCID and other infrastructures such as supercomputing centers. Technical helpdesk for the users of umbrellaID and its attached systems (e.g. Moonshot, iCAT). Maintenance of the website of the umbrellaID collaboration. Close connection to RDA, FIM4R and AARC projects.

Future projects Umbrella part of CALIPSOplus proposal Trans National Access program of Photon facilities. NA1 and JRA2 from 2017 Umbrella part of NEMO2020 proposal Trans National Access program of Neutron facilities, not accepted PANORAMIC proposal to EINFRA-22-2016 : User-driven e- infrastructure innovation, not accepted AARC – collaborating and acting as pilot project PANORAMIC- Central idea is to bring together and “publish” the variety of things created during the analysis probably by extend DOI Landing Pages to link to them. That way readers of a paper have access to a much richer body of evidence, and creators of the objects get more direct credit for the intermediate products.

Thank you for your attention!